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Author TOPIC: who exactly is left on the crowe team?

January 28, 2009
12:14:58 PM

Entry #: 3041118
i was just wondering who was actually going to be on the team if anyone and who is running it? it sounds to me like the guy who does end up running the team will be quoting the scene from the movie major league when in the beginning the gm is reading the roster to that hot bitch that owns the team and goes" this guy here is dead" and she goes, "well cross him off then"! hahahahahahahahahahaha!


January 28, 2009
12:18:14 PM

Entry #: 3041121
hey gopher, find that scene for me and post it, i love that part!


January 28, 2009
12:23:11 PM

Entry #: 3041128
do they need a catcher?


January 28, 2009
12:25:53 PM

Entry #: 3041132
hahahahah! they need more than that, i think a catcher, pitcher, second base, short, otm, third, right field, right center, left center, left field. did i leave any out?


January 28, 2009
12:30:55 PM

Entry #: 3041135
where are you playing?


January 28, 2009
1:13:48 PM

Entry #: 3041170
best I can do

League/28333/592732631/MAJOR-LEAGUE/embed' width='420' height='355' scrolling='no' frameborder='0'>


January 28, 2009
1:22:42 PM

Entry #: 3041180
im playing for pna like the rest of the league, nites too!


January 28, 2009
2:19:15 PM

Entry #: 3041216
Now the PNA is even more of a powerhouse getting Demonti. The rich getting richer. The Crowe will have a team, roster will be kind of a mystery but there will be a team.

PNA is going to dominate this year so it doesn't matter who goes where. Atleast you came out and said where you're going to play this Demonti. I don't know what else to believe about other guys going to go to this team or that team.

Had a blast playing fall ball with you Time Bomb and you and the boys from NAAA will be unstoppable this year.


January 28, 2009
3:39:29 PM

Entry #: 3041295
i was just kidden big boss man, i was never askd to play for them, i was just poking fun at how many great guys will be sitting the bench this year, last time i checked, there were only 11 spots on the field. so i take it your running the team still, i heard ant was.


January 28, 2009
3:44:44 PM

Entry #: 3041301
mike where are you playing this year ??


January 28, 2009
4:34:54 PM

Entry #: 3041358
yet the mystery continues on who is playing for who. there are no secrets on who is playing for pna and bothelos. i heard neil is playing for 4 different teams. the question of is harris still going to have a team? according to delpadre the whole league is playing for him. we are gettting closer and the rumors are getting more and more rediculous! this league used to be fun. its just getting way to serious. don't really give a flying fuck who plays where. all i know is that i will have fun and be drunk every sunday after ball no matter who i play for. fuckall the drama.


January 28, 2009
4:59:32 PM

Entry #: 3041380
Mike, I am not running the Crowe Team the only way i would run a team is if a spot opens in the league and there was a team to run. Ben Sedam and i are homeless right now till we confirm a spot for the two of us.

T Mac

January 28, 2009
6:06:07 PM

Entry #: 3041452
Ive heard alot of rumors.....

1 being PNA has 212 guys on there roster. There the coventry yankees, and if it wasnt for dutilly theyd all have a full set of teeth.

2 heard CM is bulking up, i know jimmy george is back im sure he will b roaming the outfields for them, scotty has been there. if they wrangle some of our harris guys away they will only have 192 guys on the roster and 180 of them are infielders.

3 Crowe is well depleited to say the least... no one knows who will b on this team, i havent heard any rumors of guys wanting to play for them / if hinske is gonna b around, looks like a rebuilding year for them.

4 Harris. well u would think id know the most about this since its my team but ive heard conflicting stories, one time i hear 2 guys are headin here then 2 guys are heading there, one guy says he doesnt know. i know there are a few free agents that have shown interest, just gotta figure out who exactly is staying with us and who is leaving if any?? but we know one thing no matter what... walker is gonna be doing the truffle shuffle this summer haha

5 Bothelo well bobby is up to no good as usual picking up and signing players. if u havent recieved a full packet, livestrong jersey and a confirmation letter in the mail saying thank you for joining bothelo's the greatest team on earth then you really arent playing softball. im just scared to see some of your guys in the livestrong tight yellow jersey tho, ian better b in the gym i know stevens is. oh ya and get him a club soda.

6 Rochs well mert must be doing some recruiting at the prison or he is just absolutely bogged down with work cuz i havent seen or heard of his hand reaching into the candy jar all off season.

7 del padre well again ive heard plenty of rumors about this team, heard that he wants to bring in every guy from every team and instead of have a league just have his squad play against the pna every weekend. he i beleive only is gonna carry 203 players so he might b able to get everyone some playing time haha

8 Jokes well i didnt have to put my ear to close to the ground to hear that hodde is recruiting every and anyone now that gopher bolted with a few of his players and he is scrambling to get some guys into the club to get them drunk and make them sign up on his team, he doesnt send a letter or anything he just sends ya home drunken and wondering what just happened did i sign to play on a softball team or did he drug me and his wife took advantage of me. u woulda thought by january she woulda put that bullseye down but, luckily for me i have spot on aim i hit it there hahaha

9 A + been hearing that gopher is taking over this team havent heard this straight from the horses mouth ( gophers ) but i have heard rumblings that he actually might b able to put together a good team. and is looking to be the next big power lifter in the state. i hold some valuable info ( the gym they attend ) for some extra $ or possible bat trades i could release this info haha

10 Patriot havent heard anything i think thats because ryman is in hiding right now and once he can use the site again we will know far to much info than we needed to. like what kirby had for breakfast and that he was in the cages and hit one thru the netting, thru the wall and out of the building and it landed in japan.... was sent back with postcards written on it saying that was the fursthest ball ever hit and ryman has that in his mantle at home. ( as kirby shakes his head boy we gotta get this kid a girl haha )

11 fire fighters well anything they do will be an upgrade, bunch of great guys and always come to have a good time. i say maybe they bring a dalmation and throw him in the outfield along with that skinny fast kid and they might win a few more games this season.

12 stallions havent heard much from bill and ted this off season but im willing to bet they are rocking out and being totally awesome and completely tubular. rock on fellas. see u in the summer

13 eaton havent heard much from these guys but they were puttin together a good lil team towards the end of the season last year and i wouldnt b surprised if they can steal a good player here or there and just keep moving up that ladder towards the playoffs

14 shamrock im really unsure about these guys cuz in the offseason i dont see to many of them, but knowing scott he is preparing to offer contracts to some big names and hoping that the shamrock clover will rub off this year and put them guys into the playoffs.

15 PUB well i now the pub has been working and if things dont work out with certain guys goin here or goin there they would b a perfect fit, young group of guys decent bats, and they go out and have fun thats what its all about. watch out for these guys this summer they could b a sleeper team.

16 VFW last but of course not least. well it is a bit odd that no one has heard from artie in a while which means he is up to no good ( for the league that is ) he is probably out there talking some of the best players in the state to join his team and take down the evil empire ( PNA ) he must have a vendetta out for them taking some of his key players. but knowing artie he will make sure to have a team that will threaten for the top spot like he has every year for a long time now.

so i say this to the guys who dont know what there gonna do or where they wanna play.... just come out and say hey im going to this team or im going to this team so we can get some of the teams coming together, we know PNA is the team to beat and id say VFW is running second then third bothelos when the rest of the guys decide where they might wanna go ill rank the rest but that is going on who is with them as of now, and knowing artie will bring some good players in to fill in his holes. Harris could b fourth but it depends on what certain players are gonna do, if they stay and we can grab a few of the guys that wanna come we will b right up there.

Good luck to every free agent, and make up your mind so everyone can figure out the deal with other teams and there own team / if people are gonna have one.

oh ya ernie still sucks haha


January 28, 2009
6:20:49 PM

Entry #: 3041469
t-mac couldn't be more right on the money than that!


January 28, 2009
6:50:51 PM

Entry #: 3041501
What's this pna having a night team? Where are they playing? Who is on the team?

E W 3 3

January 28, 2009
8:08:10 PM

Entry #: 3041577
Mac, your facts are a little off. You state that PNA stole some of VFW's key players. First off the three that left were not asked by anyone on the PNA to play for them. We asked the PNA if they would have us. As for the key players part..... they lost a guy with no glove (dutilly), a guy with an ever expanding waist line (myself) and a guy who is too busy jerking off to his own ass in the mirror (riley). They still have one of the best lineups in the league. They got JJ, Duffy, Lessard(confirmed at extra innings last night), Playa, TJ, Goat, Fernandez, Espo, Destefano, ..... and the list goes on and on. They are still the defending champs. It's the PNA that has something to prove, not the other way around.

Oh and finally to anyone saying that the pna has everyone playing for them. Get your head out of your ass. The PNA added 3 players. 3 not thirty 3. Just three. Already one person has moved on to another team so that means the PNA is only plus 2 over last year. Not sure how all this retarded talk from a bunch of uneducated, uninformed retards gets started but it is still amazing none the less.

T Mac

January 28, 2009
8:55:08 PM

Entry #: 3041627
E W definately didnt mean to write stolen. cuz i knew u guys were talkin to them it wasnt anything like that. thats understandable. nite league now thats another story u big fag hahah.
i recall a certain convo that people had last year saying something along the lines of id come play with harris but im gonna play with u guys in night league so i dont wanna play with all the same guys sundays and during the night. guess that was a pile of sh*t haha. im just busting on ya EW.
But you will be sorely missed, where u playing this year infield or staying in the outfield?


January 29, 2009
9:44:18 AM

Entry #: 3041909
We have talked about putting the PNA team in at Clegg for a few years now but it's never really materialized because so many guys are spread out to a bunch of different teams they are loyal to.

EW is right about us picking up 3 guys. I don't know who from last year is staying or going. I am staying and doing the part time thing like I did last year.


January 29, 2009
10:29:36 AM

Entry #: 3041974
Who is team OOOOPPPPPPP?


January 29, 2009
10:48:45 AM

Entry #: 3041996
Let me clear up the confusion, not that it should matter to anyone but the guys on the pna roster. We added Craig, Ernie, Dutilly and Rob Raymond. As far as the overwhelming concern by most on this site about who will sit and who will play, we'll leave that up to Beaver. The night team will be playing at Clegg and is our same team with a couple of oooppp guys wich is Ray Marot's team from last year. This should end all rumors.


January 29, 2009
12:23:20 PM

Entry #: 3042085
just one of the uneducated retards checkin in ew, the reason everyone is asking is because every fuckin retard in the league says they are playing for the pna, most of which i beleive is wishful thinking, i can name right now about 5 players who have told me personally that they are playing for pna, who shall remain nameless to avoid any further retard crying. i hope that clears things up.
as far as who is playing for who, who really gives a fuck its coventry sunday morning softball and who gives a fuck, its for bragging rites and who buys who a beer after the game. anyone who thinks it really fuckin matters then get yourself a fuckin life, its a recreational sunday morning no glory have fun league. get your fat asses to the field on sunday morning with your bag of grass and your thirty packs and try to hit the rocks we use for balls with the tree trunks we use for bats and see how far out of our 270 foot fields we can hit the ball, whoopie fuckin doo.
and as far as who plays where, some one please explain to me how it matters and who gives a fuck, coventry sunday morning, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


January 29, 2009
1:29:43 PM

Entry #: 3042148
Well it's safe to say Mike had an eventfull evening and now he is "wound up tight"



January 29, 2009
2:59:37 PM

Entry #: 3042240
Here we go now you guys got EW crying again.....Just great.


January 29, 2009
9:23:30 PM

Entry #: 3042601
now that you said that hinskie EW butt buddy Dutilly is going to chime in and say something..

E W 3 3

January 30, 2009
8:39:16 AM

Entry #: 3042860
Hinske, go rub some more deer piss on yourself and skip a few more showers you dirty fuckin outdoorsman. I thought u were moving? run along little girl. run along.

Rockstar, Dutilly isn't my butt buddy.... you are just jealous that I got the guy with the perfect dental setup for a sweet bj.

I'm not whining just laughing at all the idiots that like to whine about the PNA.....and if i recall Hinske was the first one to piss and moan on the boards about it....


January 30, 2009
5:49:40 PM

Entry #: 3043456
who cares hinske sucks


February 2, 2009
2:16:10 PM

Entry #: 3045117
I wasn't whinning about the fact that you were going to the pna along with a few others. I was whinning about the exempt rule get it right.


February 2, 2009
3:42:43 PM

Entry #: 3045188
you tell him hinske, you would think this was an A majors mens league with thousands of endorsement dollars on the line with all the bitchin and moaning you here. who gives a fuck anyway, you should be able to play where ever the fuck you want its a goddamn rec league for fun. at least change it to 2 years, 3 years is absolutely ridiculous hinske.


February 2, 2009
3:55:11 PM

Entry #: 3045203
The problem is Mike this is what you want for endorssments and i don't think we can sell Ian and the league that it is good for the league....


February 3, 2009
12:25:55 PM

Entry #: 3045883
gopher, thats the best material ive seen you post ever! so fuckin funny, your rite, ian would not go for handing out condoms before every game!

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