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Author TOPIC: Todays Results..

May 10, 2009
4:02:19 PM

Entry #: 3150353
Sandy bottom took 2 from A+ and knocked gohper off his high horse!!


May 10, 2009
4:18:58 PM

Entry #: 3150362
Crowe took 2 from in and out valet formerly christos pizza


May 10, 2009
4:22:47 PM

Entry #: 3150369
douchely and patriot split


May 10, 2009
6:41:37 PM

Entry #: 3150467
Shamrock took 2 from wyld stallions


May 10, 2009
8:33:30 PM

Entry #: 3150551


May 10, 2009
9:14:21 PM

Entry #: 3150601
yeah but your not crumb!!


May 11, 2009
6:30:36 AM

Entry #: 3150826
pna won 2 and ew hit one out of right field quite the shot


May 11, 2009
6:46:06 AM

Entry #: 3150829
Pub took 2 over firefighters


May 11, 2009
8:11:11 AM

Entry #: 3150866
REMINDER: I need to know of any ejections or games with one umpire. Thank you.


May 11, 2009
8:40:42 AM

Entry #: 3150894
Rochs split with Vdub/Rekos


May 11, 2009
9:39:06 AM

Entry #: 3150964
EW wind must have been blowing out pretty hard at foster !!! JK i will tell playa you joined the club


May 11, 2009
9:39:07 AM

Entry #: 3150965
EW wind must have been blowing out pretty hard at foster !!! JK i will tell playa you joined the club

Stevens 4

May 11, 2009
10:25:00 AM

Entry #: 3151033
Forget about fat Ernie's wind-blown pop up....I played 2 flawless innings at first base this weekend. Tommy is changing his nickname from "Crazy Eyes" to "Wally Pipp".

E W 3 3

May 11, 2009
10:52:40 AM

Entry #: 3151086
Wind was ripping Artie, but it never was higher than 15 / 20 feet up.


May 11, 2009
11:40:57 AM

Entry #: 3151180
We measured that field one day and believe it or not... It's 263 to the left field pole and 358 to the base of the right field pole. I would think with the TREE shot he made it's safe to add another 25 ft.


May 11, 2009
2:22:41 PM

Entry #: 3151442
Crumb, should be 6-1?? How the fuck does that happen when you play double headers? ooohh, its the crumb enough said


May 11, 2009
2:26:07 PM

Entry #: 3151446
sorry slezak the 6 is next to the 7 hit the wrong key. maybe it was the 5 pitchers! hahahahaha!


May 11, 2009
2:36:21 PM

Entry #: 3151469
It's those goddam huge sausage looking Crumb digits again, just messing with you big guy, your point was well made regargless


May 11, 2009
6:12:51 PM

Entry #: 3151749
i never doubted you could get one out in a game , i was there when ya did it in practice . i been telling ya for years to pull the damn ball. hopefully if we play u saturday you go 4-4 with 4 bombs. 4-4 all homeruns = 10runs for my team . i think hes playing the E tourney on the small fields i see a 5 man in that matchup.


May 11, 2009
8:44:52 PM

Entry #: 3151935
Ernie is way too fat!!!!!!!


May 13, 2009
12:58:51 PM

Entry #: 3153967
This is the Japaneese Version of what it was like trying to Hit Gaupo Sunday.....Think Rob Raymond had this kis in his mini camp at one time

T Mac

May 14, 2009
5:16:30 PM

Entry #: 3155713
Doorley and Patriot split. Those guys can hit!!!!!

And Kirby is only 4 times the size of me and i think all my hits on the day didnt even equal one of his hahah. I have to say tho the best part of the afternoon was our third baseman ( who will remain nameless ) standing at third ( or should i say short left feild ) Kirby comes up to the plate we are up like 15 and he says walk him we all argue and say just pitch to him he came down here to swing not walk. 3b replies someone is gonna get hurt ( namely him haha ) Kirby and lou our pitcher reply... thats why they gave u a glove use it. Kirby then proceeds to mush a ball down the third base line and i dont think our 3b has seen it yet hhaha.

This is gonna be a team you dont wanna draw in the playoffs when kickin on all cylinders. And last but not least i couldnt leave out the fact that atleast once a game every year we play against chip he goes into an all out split to make a catch, slide... you name it, the split will be done. hahah and every year i cringe thinking damn i think my groin tore just watching u hahaha good luck the rest of the way guys.

p.s. Smitty has a wet noodle and cant catch a ball in right center.


May 15, 2009
12:17:30 PM

Entry #: 3156625
holy shit tmac, you sound awful rymanish in his old days of trying to blow kirby while he shits, you better be careful not to offend smitty by moving in on his man like that.
i also disagree with you on the best of that day, i liked the part where vernett blew his top at his entire team in the middle of the game andf was the most pissed off ive ever seen him and then refused to shake anyones hand after the game and proceeded to storm out of the nike with steam coming out of his ears, i love that shit, it actually made my day.
not to take anything away from kirby, he is a great hitter and fun to watch. almost as fun as watching everyone kiss his ass like a bunch of homos.


May 15, 2009
2:59:08 PM

Entry #: 3156837
thanks demonti! was hoping that wouldn't make it to the board. my little temper tantrum was mostly due to my awful play.just for the record, i did shake hands with everyone but walker. that call on the "carry the bat to 1st after hitting a homer" rule, is absolute bullshit!! all good though, rule is a rule(i guess).


May 15, 2009
5:08:37 PM

Entry #: 3156983
i was in the outfield so i didnt catch that call but i will admit that is pretty cheezy to call that but hey, a rule is a RULE. i love seeing people get pissed off at their team mates, i do it all the time and everyone on my team hates me for it so dont sweat it, everybody has their days bud, you shook my hand though so take that walker, hahahahahahaha


May 15, 2009
8:05:40 PM

Entry #: 3157078
and once again the jealous rule comes into affect! in my eyes as it is in the fall, u hit one out u shouldn't even have to touch a bag! sorry, i said it before its a pussy call if u call it! fuckall who do!!!!!! fags!!!


May 15, 2009
8:11:05 PM

Entry #: 3157082
settle down mammouth lip, if you start huffin and puffin about this you could suffocate yourself with that horse tongue you got for a bottom lip,hahahahahahaha. i notice your big tar paper rolls you have for fingers didnt accidentally hit the caps lock key this time, attaboy

T Mac

May 16, 2009
11:02:37 AM

Entry #: 3157290
Jackson you fat f*ck.... your really that lazy that you couldnt even walk to first to touch the first base bag?? we used to have to run them out.... oh ya thats right you didnt hit homeruns you 752 lb slap hitter. go some pull ups with your bottom lip sucka.

And demonti if i dont blow Kirby on here who will? Ryman isnt allowed to carry his bat bag any longer because artie swooped in and stole the HR champ from patriot. Atleast i talk about a guy who can Mash the ball. All you talk about is how much you love GASSA and boy do i wish i had that picture of you hugging him at the sportsman... hahahahahha

Looks like rain tmrw whats the deal ? what are the chances we play?

E W 3 3

May 16, 2009
2:16:55 PM

Entry #: 3157347
about the same chances that you dont have a drink for a weekend. slim to none.


May 16, 2009
6:53:40 PM

Entry #: 3157470
tmac, we both know who was in that picture and he is otherwise known as hellboy hands,hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

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