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Author TOPIC: summer block party @club jogues

June 18, 2009
6:18:47 PM

Entry #: 3191672
the club is having a block party on july 25th which is a saturday from 2:00-8:00 featuring the rhode island red necks. everyone talks we should hang more often this is a great time to do it. free chowder and clam cakes while it lasts, and you can purchase burgers ,hot dogs, sausage etc... tickets are 12.00 dollars in advance and 15.00 dollars at the gate children under 12 free. rain or shine ,bring your lawn chairs and umbrellas, and NO COOLERS ALLOWED. let me know if you guys are interested so i can get a head count


June 18, 2009
6:42:43 PM

Entry #: 3191691
i thought Rhode island Rednecks was anyone in coventry that lives past the Cheese bridge.Thats what i was always told i thoght me sleeping with my sister made me a red neck but i guess not


June 18, 2009
7:38:27 PM

Entry #: 3191732
what the hell does the 12 dollar ticket get you then?


June 18, 2009
7:41:04 PM

Entry #: 3191734
Mike apparently the clamcakes and chowder aren't free, they are actually 12 bucks you have to be able to speak Hoddian.


June 18, 2009
7:49:09 PM

Entry #: 3191740
12.00 dollars gets you free clamcakes and chowder and entertainment for 6 hours thought i already covered this


June 18, 2009
7:53:15 PM

Entry #: 3191742
wow mert, 12 bucks for clamcakes and chowder if your lucky enough to get there in time, you have to buy burgers and dogs, you cant bring coolers full of beers and have to buy those also, all this to hang out at a "red neck party". wow, that sounds like a fuckin blast and a half, ill meet you there mert.


June 18, 2009
8:08:10 PM

Entry #: 3191752


June 18, 2009
8:36:07 PM

Entry #: 3191774
Bobby, sleeping with your sister is only one characteristic that makes you a “Redneck”. Here are the other signs that you are a redneck.

Now most of you aren’t aware of this but Bob had a family cookout and he invited a few guys from the league to come over. Since you mention Cheese bridge everyone should be aware that the entire Dutilly family lives well beyond it. That should have been my first warning! Here are the photos I took at the Dutilly family party!

As I near the Dutilly family estate right there on the bridge I see one of Bob’s friends playing a musical duet with one of Bob’s little cousins.

I have to tell you that this was one talented kid! Apparently he wasn’t really used to meeting people but he definitely enjoyed himself.

Then I was introduced to Bobby’s brothers, they seemed really nice but they didn’t talk all that much! Nice guys!

Then things got a little weird as Bob’s dogs tried to dry hump my leg. Strange these dogs seem to resemble Bob just a little bit…go figure?

I was relieved to see Brian Stevens there and Brian seemed to have a lot of fun…at first!

Bob’s family really seemed to like Brian!

PhotobucketIn fact they liked Brian a real lot!

I mean a real lot!

Then I met Bobby’s cousin. He didn’t like the flash on the camera and seemed a bit skiddish!

I also got to meet Bobby’s Uncle!

The family Patron…Grandpa Dutilly!

Then there was this cat and nobody in the family was really sure who he was related to but they tell me he has always just kind of been there.

Another one of Bobby’s Uncle’s he was a master of the barbeque grill, though he never did say what it was we were eating…I think they were really big ribs!

Bobby finally introduced me to someone he called Bobby Sue, didn’t really say who she was though…interesting!

I’m not really sure who this is either but she was very nice but for some reason they kept her chained up in the basement, apparently she is allergic to sunlight.

All in all I had a pretty good time, not as good as Stevens but it was fun nonetheless.


June 18, 2009
9:17:37 PM

Entry #: 3191795
block party my house...$15.00 ...8 KEGS all the RIBS and WINGS you can eat...coolers permitted...beach volleyball...and a $10 per person raffle, winner picks 3 friends and plays 4 topless ladies in a game of volleyball...


June 18, 2009
9:25:06 PM

Entry #: 3191797
demonti what did we get for your 20 dollar steak fry? ow wait steak dinner and a raffle no dj that was advertized on the ticket no hr derby that was advertized either so chill out. hodde out

E W 3 3

June 18, 2009
9:50:44 PM

Entry #: 3191819
i will pay 20 for a steak vs 12 for MAYBE some clam chowder.... relax hodde just cuz it's club jogues doesn't make it great. I know they are your team and all but jesus christ just listen to yourself. Maybe some clam cakes and a block party? it's a parking lot. SO i get to roast in the parking lot hoping to get some clam chowder? Just read that statement back to yourself and pretend you aren't a general manager/coach/player for club jogues.

Have a steak fry and sign me up. Club Jogues steak fry was a good time and the steaks were ...dare i say... even a little better than the pna's.


June 18, 2009
11:26:04 PM

Entry #: 3191915
chill out hodde, its a little constructive criticism, yes we did appreciate what you did for us on our steak fry, but for cryin out loud, i dont think you are gonna get to many interested people with that offer


June 19, 2009
8:53:10 AM

Entry #: 3192106
Steven's Party was with Hamburger's & chips with free parking also and he supplied chair's and it was a $10 donation for Breast Cancer.

Only had 1 CD though....still singing that retro shit and never got the Pasta Salad his wife made for us

Stevens 4

June 19, 2009
9:04:56 AM

Entry #: 3192115
I have been eating that pasta salad all week. We also forgot about the raw chicken wings that stayed in the oven until Wednesday when Kerri found them.


June 19, 2009
9:09:30 AM

Entry #: 3192120
Lags... can guys go topless too?


June 19, 2009
3:35:35 PM

Entry #: 3192604
i reprinted the flyer word for word so nobody would come screaming at me, it is what it is, if ya wanna go, you guys are more then welcome. and mikey i am totally chilled just busting your balls thought it would be fun to fuck with the time bomb

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