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Author TOPIC: Humble Pie
D Train

October 11, 2010
12:04:32 PM

Entry #: 3590083
The Gophers had a big slice of the not so popular dessert yesterday. As you all know, my team could do without the extra calories. Despite the gross lose I had a good time yesterday, easy to say in fall ball. I enjoyed the conversation with Musty when he was coaching third until we were rudely interrupted by a line drive. And JJ, I hope that shoulder is killing you today. Tuck, you may have started a new softbal trend with the bare feet, I know it's all the craze in the running world. Good luck the rest of the way. Gophers we will shake this one off and contunue our winning ways next week. Be ready to drink after next week's game.


October 11, 2010
12:10:05 PM

Entry #: 3590085
I love fall ball. Gopher shut up!!!! LOL. By the way the score is 3-2. Ian still has a cannon. Bev looked good on the mound. D not so good in right but much better a 3rd. Sports Center catch!


October 11, 2010
2:57:47 PM

Entry #: 3590242
Pie tasted like shit. Nice job backstabbers, got to admit this site is going to look like shit in navy blue and gold for the rest of the year. By far the best team in fall, mail trophy to them now


October 11, 2010
3:44:28 PM

Entry #: 3590277
Broz is fat


October 11, 2010
4:12:49 PM

Entry #: 3590295
and you?


October 12, 2010
11:01:41 AM

Entry #: 3590900
Slezak, ask Gopher to show you his six pack. I is a sight. Gopher, shut up!!!!! LOL


October 12, 2010
3:32:07 PM

Entry #: 3591159
You know how you know if you really enjoy playing softball? When you show up and take your beating every week . Maybe not a total beating and maybe not every week....but you know what I mean. The secret to success and happiness is low expectations. If Stevens can jog in from left field without face planting....thats a win for us.

Stevens 4

October 13, 2010
9:41:40 AM

Entry #: 3591590
That was almost ugly. Glove fell off and everything and amazingly nobody seemed to see it. Team Farm Dog is a ton of fun to play on but we really suck for sure.


October 13, 2010
12:09:01 PM

Entry #: 3591730
team name should be changed to reflect our suckiness. going forward: RyDog


October 13, 2010
12:29:12 PM

Entry #: 3591747
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, or, even better,team name CRYDOG hahahahahaha


October 13, 2010
12:35:18 PM

Entry #: 3591756
just figured id point this out, with the exception of playing the gophers, the bavkstabbers have by far the easiest cake fall schedule and prolly reflects in their record, you guys have played the always tough village pub and this week will have the super power stallyons and i may have evn seen my 10 year old daughters slow pitch team on that schedule as well, wow, impressive.


October 13, 2010
5:33:56 PM

Entry #: 3592019
The Fall Schedule is fixed. You are right brother. Backstabbers: Eaton GQ Stallions Fish Tacos. PUB can, i am not mentioning them. ...and no offense to those teams. All of them are solid and far better than my squad. But, team Stabbers is bought and paid for and should play a tougher schedule. Only team with a weaker schedule? Prez Smittys: GQ Shamrock Firefighters FarmDOG. Yikes. Smith is going to tell you that his schedule also includes Dan's Place/Backstabbers and Farm Dog was SUPPOSED to be loaded...but, thats not the way I see it. And besides it ruins my argument. Fuck the Stabbers and that chain smoking Musty. And who still calls themselves " DJ " at age 40? I gotta feeling: Crowe bar wins Fall Ball. Their wobbly 3b is finally on the DL opening the way for some power production from that position for a change...ahhh..who am I kidding....Gophers win it. No doubt. In a battle with the Stabbers.


October 13, 2010
5:55:46 PM

Entry #: 3592040
Dans Place is taking this shit heard it here first.


October 14, 2010
10:46:29 PM

Entry #: 3593095
Demo and LB4LB U R both correct we really R not that good, just had a great day vs Gophers and it is only fall ball.


October 18, 2010
5:09:12 PM

Entry #: 3595623
LB4LB and Demonti you two might want to check your tampons because you are whining like little bitches. To be calling out the Backstabbers & Gophers on our schedules is pretty funny seeing your schedule was no harder! And seeing you dropped both to the Gophers and and only beat Patriot by only 1 run 1 of the games who were your two good teams not saying so much for you guys. Patriot and Village by the way had the toughest schedules and think both will do well in playoffs. We had a great time playing Gophers 2 weeks ago and know they will not go so easily next time we play them.


October 19, 2010
8:20:06 AM

Entry #: 3596073
hey soxfan54, your absolutely rite, you guys are fucking awesome man, wow are you guys good, i am so sorry dude, i will never ever say your schedule was easy again man, you are so good man, what was i thinking, i mean you guys beat the wyld stallyons, thats tough,and holy shit man, you guys beat eaton and gq and the fish tacos, you guys are by far the best fucking softball team ihave ever seen dude, totally my bad bro, you guys are clearly taking it all no doubt, nobody else should even show up, if we end up drawing you along the line im just gonna forfeit cuz we have no chance at all of beating you guys, congrats on your championship.
and about the tampon thing, i did find one, and yes it was pretty bloody, but as it turns out, your girl left it it my bed the other nite, hey at least shes not pregnant, hahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahahaahahaahahaha


October 19, 2010
8:21:26 AM

Entry #: 3596074


October 19, 2010
9:11:11 AM

Entry #: 3596107
Wow Demonti, I appreciate the complements and I didn't realize you thought we were so good. All I said was that we all had equal schedules and then you can't stop talking about how great we are. Its probably a good thing too you would forfeit because this way we wouldn't have to listen to all that whining. And as far as your 10 year old daughters team, I'm sure they would give us more of a fight then you.


October 19, 2010
9:18:30 AM

Entry #: 3596111
I know I may catch some shit for this but I have to say it. Although fall was fun this year,there was a huge gap between good teams and not good teams. I mean come on,we won 9 games??? Did any of you see the team we were putting out there every week? Not the best lineup and barely making ten every week. There is no way in my eyes we should have won 9 games. That being said,Great job to the crowe guys who showed up every week and played hard. A-Nard had a great fall hitting the ball hard every week.


October 19, 2010
10:40:17 AM

Entry #: 3596181
Its official. I'm a bitch.


October 19, 2010
10:41:55 AM

Entry #: 3596184
Dtrain tagged up and scored on a popup to SS. My feet were barely out of the dirt. Its official. I have a rag arm.


October 19, 2010
10:44:44 AM

Entry #: 3596188
Nate8....i think you guys have a potent lineup. Jeez, I think you just said without saying that OAWMF sucks. Vernet Galloway Holland Cote Bagshaw Machado Machado ..who exactly are you thinking of when you say " have you seen the lineup that we put out there?"


October 19, 2010
11:09:08 AM

Entry #: 3596217
The season cant end soon enough. Table 4 has some small miracle. But, no table smashing matches my " incident in left field " this sunday. I willleave it to Big Ern to tell the story. Or Stevens. I think EW will do it justice.


October 19, 2010
12:11:56 PM

Entry #: 3596268
Gopher, You shut up!!!!


October 19, 2010
3:03:17 PM

Entry #: 3596454
Not saying anyone sucks. Saying that we threw a different lineup out there every week,guys playing out of position...etc.... Just so we are clear,any position that I play puts me out of position. See you bright and early sunday morning LB.


October 19, 2010
3:52:25 PM

Entry #: 3596502
i dont know if your new to smack or what or who you are or anything, if you read my original post, i said if you look at your schedule, it may reflect in your recor, with the exception to gophers, who i give you props on beating as they beat us badly and our a great team, but, when you come back on and chime in from left field about callin me and my boy lb4lb whiny bitches, i obviously offended you, all in good fun may i add, and i apologize, but i beleive it is time for you my friend to check his proverbial tampon, as it seems to be needing a changing.
welcome to smack asshole!!!!!


October 19, 2010
3:54:34 PM

Entry #: 3596507
oh sorry i forgot, GGGOOOTTT YYYYOOOUUU,


October 19, 2010
3:56:37 PM

Entry #: 3596509
Again....who is this demonti guy?


October 19, 2010
5:29:07 PM

Entry #: 3596597
Dutilly, dont start with my compadre demonti. You fight him you fight us both. How do you know it was one of dutillys relatives who invented the toothbrush? Because if anybody else did they would have named it the teethbrush.


October 19, 2010
5:37:00 PM

Entry #: 3596606


October 19, 2010
6:01:02 PM

Entry #: 3596619
Demonti and Dutilly suck!!!! Gopher, Shut up!!!!!!


October 20, 2010
10:43:06 AM

Entry #: 3597081
I def did not invent the toothbrush...but i def know that you invented the Stepstool when you were a tennager...just so you could see what the inside of a pinball machine looks like


October 20, 2010
12:07:29 PM

Entry #: 3597153
i def suck, mostly fake tits, and dutilly def sucks, we all know he cant chew.


October 20, 2010
12:09:01 PM

Entry #: 3597155
is soxfan54 still gonna remain nameless????? i think sisson is soxfan7 correct?


October 20, 2010
12:13:01 PM

Entry #: 3597159
i agree smitty, hawhish howes are awesome, especially when he hoe hishin hin hem.


October 20, 2010
4:44:27 PM

Entry #: 3597362
Yes this is Sisson. Not sure who the other soxfan is. Gopher, SHUT UP!!!!!!! Dutilly get off you knees!


October 20, 2010
4:45:54 PM

Entry #: 3597363
Is it Sunday yet???

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