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Author TOPIC: Congrats

October 25, 2010
8:53:04 AM

Entry #: 3600261
Just wanted to say congrats to the backstabbers for winning fall ball.


October 25, 2010
9:02:16 AM

Entry #: 3600265

You guys played well and hit the ball hard. No excuses...only congratulations!


October 25, 2010
10:19:48 AM

Entry #: 3600358
agreed another great final day and some great stories from yesterdays early games as well.

thanks to everyone that helped make club jogues a playable surface. specifically i know dutilly, ernie cleaned the grass out of the infield. considine and gopher worked on the batters box and put the lines down. anyone i missed thank you as well the field was in great shape.

also thanks to everyone supporting the club and buying the beer there. i saw a lot of empty buckets outside.


October 25, 2010
11:45:36 AM

Entry #: 3600466
I know you get a lot of shit sometimes but I wanted to thank you for what you do all yr long for the league, you do a great job.


October 25, 2010
3:04:03 PM

Entry #: 3600689
well, at least Lags is gracious is defeat. Tucker takes over from Dutilly as the league's all time winner. This is Tuck' second Fall Ball championship in a row. Dutilly has been without a trophy now..twice in a row. Congrats to Jimmy and his guys....


October 25, 2010
3:15:23 PM

Entry #: 3600699
the reason i didnt win was joining forces with pudding next yr...


October 26, 2010
8:08:51 AM

Entry #: 3601287
great job sunday backstabbers, you guys played a great game and had a great fall, no doubt you deserved it, and as i promised darren, a complete retraction on breaking your balls on the website, except for you guys being good, that was no doubt true. i kno i pissed off some guys on your squad, soxfan54 especially, all in good fun mite i add, but as it turns out, you had the last laugh. congrats again.
last but not least, i would like to thank everyone on dans place/lb4lb for a great season and a good run sunday, i had a blast playing with all of you and you all did a great job and look forward to drinking all winter with you guys, and i cant wait for lags to move into his new house so we can be official neighborhood drunks. great job guys and a special thanks to my sponsors, lb4lb stepped up as he always does to help out any cause softball related and anything to help anyone, great job bob and again, i couldnt be more appreciative of your sponsorship, just wish we couldve won it for you, maybe next year.


October 26, 2010
12:25:15 PM

Entry #: 3601492
i have just received some inside info on who soxfan54 is, if my sources are correct, i congratulate everyone but you, you sacless douche bag, overrated nothing but pull tough guy, remember your big bad stare down you gave me this summer, hahahahaha, what a joke, the boogey man scares me more than your old washed up ass, i cant wait to line one off your old forehead next summer you loser! you know who you are. and if its not you, fuck you anyway cuz you suk and your old!!


October 26, 2010
12:59:17 PM

Entry #: 3601523
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Time Bomb strikes again! That was an epic post from Dad. He is the MVP of this SMACK board, Most Valuable Poster. There's some humble pie


October 26, 2010
12:59:32 PM

Entry #: 3601524
I can't wait to move next store to this demonti guy...


October 26, 2010
3:48:13 PM

Entry #: 3601682
sorry guys, but dad always loves blowin up on his birthday, cant wait to see what happens tonight hhahahahahahahaaha


October 26, 2010
3:51:38 PM

Entry #: 3601687
I have had the good fortune of being able to help sponsor several teams...Neil and Lags, Matt Walker, Ian, Artie, Gopher, Tucker....and Demo is def one of my favorites. As long as you keep your photo off the FBI most wanted list I will always be a faithful and loyal contributer to team Demonti. the LB4LB name was everywhere this summer and its all thanks to guys like Demo who spread the gospel. Since Dutillys loser stink rubbed off on our team this summer I am looking to hook up with a new team to that doesnt have Dutilly on, in addition to taking my talents to another team I am also announcing the lb4lb advertising and promotion budget is available and taking applicants.


October 26, 2010
3:52:28 PM

Entry #: 3601688
oh, and for future sacless old cunts, remember that when you edit your profile and change your screen name, every other post you have made in the past defaults to your new screen name, and for losers who set up a bogus yahoo account to post under an alias because you dont have the balls to stand up like a man a say how you feel like a man with your own name, that is just as easily traceable, trust me. so fuck you you old cunt!!!!!!!


October 26, 2010
3:58:38 PM

Entry #: 3601698
ahhh.....apparently i was exactly 50 secs too soon with my last post.................


October 26, 2010
4:51:22 PM

Entry #: 3601770
Demonti, just wanted to let you know you are thinking of the wrong guy. I am Matt Clark. I also wanted to say it was great playing against you guys on Sunday. It was a great day all around and look forward to next year.


October 26, 2010
4:59:26 PM

Entry #: 3601778
oh no he's not Matt Clark...he of the funky sunburn. ....Demonti is ON TO YOU! Dont try to pretend that you are a nice guy. You play for Tucker and before that Gopher. If you were a decent fellow prior to 2009 the aforementioned twosome's prickness def rubbed off on you. Fuck you and fuck your trying to dodge a SMACK WAR with Demo ! Demo, my brother, SAMCK this bitch around. gotta go. Dinner is waiting at Siena. Walker...get the ice off your balls and meet me there. Bring some of the license plates you made a couple years back ...........


October 26, 2010
4:59:33 PM

Entry #: 3601779
yea demonti u stupid fuck.....u think u know everything...just cause you post with ur own name u think ur tough...douchebag tell us who u think it is....your nothing but a redneck hillbilly from western coventry who cant even tie ur own shoes let alone play softball...YOU PRICK


October 26, 2010
5:07:48 PM

Entry #: 3601792
for the record, that was Matt Clark signing on secretly as Dutilly. The real Dute would obviously never make a hillbilly joke. That would be like Ernie making a belly button joke.


October 26, 2010
5:09:40 PM

Entry #: 3601794
Mike, I have your me.


October 26, 2010
6:00:25 PM

Entry #: 3601843
is that a salad bowl? dessert bowl? fruit bowl?


October 26, 2010
6:03:23 PM

Entry #: 3601849
Nope, keep guessing...

But I will tell you that they have nothing to do with the gay ass fucking pajama pants that you continue to wear.

I saw the same ones in TJ Maxx the other day in the women's night wear section.......yours are cute!


October 26, 2010
8:18:09 PM

Entry #: 3601962
As gracious as you are, for the last time I did not run the Backstabber team. In fact it's official I have departed and gone to PNA with Mike Messier, Broz and Al to finish our careers together.


October 26, 2010
11:15:24 PM

Entry #: 3602103
at least im original.

did it warm up in demonti's shadow today?


October 27, 2010
9:05:03 AM

Entry #: 3602219
i actually thought is was dutilly, wink wink, my bad matt clark hahahahahaha


October 27, 2010
9:09:04 AM

Entry #: 3602226
Tuck, Club Jogues is where one goes to ride off into the sunset. Ask OAWMF.


October 27, 2010
10:47:21 AM

Entry #: 3602298
Let me get this straight " 4 " is talking smack? CJ made me hit ALOT better because anyone can hit a homerun in all of our fields except I say Raven which is deep with a high fence. " 4 " stick with your energy drinks and shoe inserts and someday you too can see over the infield from the batter box...Incase Demo or Dutz is wondering (") = inch


October 27, 2010
11:31:35 AM

Entry #: 3602324
inch4inch. Why not just put that. All im saying is 2-3 2 hrs in last game of the year. Under ridiculously high pressure conditions as Dionne and Crew were abs killing me with heckles. And OK OK Machado, I will consider your invite to play at Club Jogues next year. Thank you

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