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Author TOPIC: 2011

October 25, 2010
5:34:44 PM

Entry #: 3600837
Another great year is complete. We had a great summer season, a great fall season, and only one rain out all year. There weren't any major problems and the league was very competitive.
Aside from softball, our charity work was at an all-time high. We made the largest donation of all the leagues to the Town's Haiti Fund. And helped a young girl and her family through a tough time thanks to Jim Tucker's fund raising.

It's time to start thinking about 2011.

Please let me know if there were any rules that need clarifying for next year or any other issues that you would like examined.

I will tell you that I anticipate the per player costs next year to be $45 or $50 instead of $40. Please find a way to save $5 to $10 extra between now and March.

After three years of $23 per game, the USSSA umps will be going to $24 per game next year. Three years ago when we switched ASA was asking $25 per game.


October 25, 2010
6:02:27 PM

Entry #: 3600866
Improving the fields should be Priority 1.


October 25, 2010
7:04:27 PM

Entry #: 3600914
i agree, but there is only so much we can do since they are the property of the town.

the one field we can work on is club jogues. chris piasczyk has approached them with some great plans for the field. we are hoping to have some meetings with them this winter.

as always, we are accepting volunteers to work on the fields. so i know i'll see you at our next field work day a-hole. thanks for signing up.


October 25, 2010
9:18:38 PM

Entry #: 3601032
I was talking to moulton yesterday and there are a lot of landscapers in the league, and I would think plenty of volunteers. Do you think guy would have a problem if we brought in fill to fix all the IF's that need it for next yr?
And maybe some of the OF's.
Why would Guy care if we are willing to do this as a league to make the fields more playable and safer at no cost to the town.
I can't speak for anyone else but there are not many good IF's in Coventry and some of the OF's especially Ravenwood are brutal.
It certainly couldn't hurt to ask, what do you and others think?

Chip Chip

October 26, 2010
8:24:08 AM

Entry #: 3601298
Does the league have room for expansion by potentially adding 2 more teams? I know fields are at a PREMIUM right now and that would create a few more 12:00 games, but would it be worth it? Scheduling would also an issue..taking the spring schedule out another 2 weeks. Any thoughts, concerns, ideas?


October 26, 2010
11:16:53 AM

Entry #: 3601436
Hi Ian - I know, I play for Jogues, and have helped clean that field up many times. Chris and I speak often about what we can do to improve Jogues both the field and the team!

I'm certainly down for other fields' clean-ups as well, cuz we all gotta play on each others' fields sooner or later.

Fields in particular that are dire need of new infields: Ravenwoods, Nike, Jogues, Hunters, Fish Hill. Washington Oaks sucks too, but is what it is, I suppose...

Would the town match what the league could drum up for renovations? How much is renovating the fields the responsibility of CMSL? Other organizations also use them...

PS: How does one go about changing your screen name?


October 26, 2010
2:08:30 PM

Entry #: 3601598
You can edit your Nickname at the bottom of the Main Menu right under the Visitor Counter. Click on edit profile and you can change your nickname. Hope that helps.


October 26, 2010
3:40:30 PM

Entry #: 3601676
Thanks Soxfan7.

I'm really not an a-hole (not that I can't be when I wanna be) just what popped into my head the day I created the profile.


October 26, 2010
3:58:14 PM

Entry #: 3601695
No problem, anytime.

Bob S (PNA)


October 26, 2010
5:55:32 PM

Entry #: 3601840
talked to Jay Licciardi, Program Supervisor, and field assigner, today about next year.

he has a lot on his plate with assigning fields and with the growth of lacrosse adding a new sport to the mix of field demands. also, the residency rules help him justify giving us fields vs. a team full of coventry kids. fortunately, we use a time slot that is not in demand.

i asked him about next year and he anticipates us getting the same fields next year. we might have to drop some practice times eventually, but we should be good with sundays. if we do have to give up some practice times we can just sign up or combine team batting practices at the fields we do have.

i can't see us adding two teams to the mix due to scheduling, field availability, and residency requirements.

as for working on fields, everything has to go through Guy Lefebvre. If anything is done to the fields, and they are ruined by the work or some problem arises, it lands on his head and he is responsible. translation = probably not happening. if it is actually work, say a landscaper wanted to renovate a whole field, the idea could go to council, but it would be open to bids. and contract has to be a bid.

once again, i know the fields could use the work, however it requires cutting through a lot of red tape.

finally, the girls complex across from coventry pines is built on state land. the town will not be getting involved because at any time, the state could say we need that land and the fields will be gone. they have run out of money and are down to four volunteers working on the fields.

the plans are for four fields in a "pinwheel" fashion. one is done and supposedly two will be playable next year. we could contact them and work out some kind of deal where we will give x, y, and z of time, materials, etc. in exchange for sundays. but i have no idea where the project stands and what they really need. i don't even know what people would donate aside from money. equipment etc.

id like to see them finish it then go in and ask to use it. the thought of four doubleheaders happening within sight of each other is titillating.



October 26, 2010
8:54:36 PM

Entry #: 3601997
All good points but I was talking about bringing in loom for the IF's how could that possibly screw up the fields? It's basically dirt. I'm not talking about recutting the infield out, just making sure we get better hops and less injuries which I would think the town would be all for less liablity, because I still don't think those waiver forms would really hold up in a court of law if you had a good atty.


October 26, 2010
11:16:48 PM

Entry #: 3602104
i didn't talk to guy directly about it. but i was led to believe it's not that simple. feel free to look into it, but it's not a project i'll be taking on.


October 27, 2010
12:26:45 PM

Entry #: 3602366
1-1 count?

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