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Author TOPIC: Wheres Botelho playing next yr?

November 13, 2010
11:33:08 AM

Entry #: 3615406
Does anyone have any info on where he is playing next yr?


November 13, 2010
12:16:34 PM

Entry #: 3615414
My guess would be Moulton. If you can't beat em' join em' right? What??? Too soon?


November 13, 2010
12:22:14 PM

Entry #: 3615418
Although I read on a previous page Chip may be looking for a sponsor. They could use some of that Botelho money. Plus he would hit 40 about bombs at Hunters.

Chip Chip

November 14, 2010
8:38:18 AM

Entry #: 3615796
Got to love the short porch.

I have not spoken to Bob yet about sponsering or considering to sponser the un-named team yet.


November 14, 2010
9:53:02 AM

Entry #: 3615824
Go get em Chip! Maybe you could talk to Ryno as well and get "team flopsweat" off the ground??? Although Ryno is probably hibernating now as most Sasquatch types do this time of year.

Stevens 4

November 15, 2010
12:15:30 PM

Entry #: 3616537
I will tell you one thing...wherever Lb4Lb plays I play. With a new baby I won't be able to afford to pay bar tabs anymore and will need an infusion of "Botelho Bucks" on Sunday afternoons.


November 15, 2010
2:22:48 PM

Entry #: 3616689
doubt he will be on moulton.. we already picked up 3 guys so we are pretty much full


November 17, 2010
8:17:04 AM

Entry #: 3617916
and still nothing coming out of the Botelho camp??? See Demonti,that's how you keep a secret.


November 17, 2010
5:36:38 PM

Entry #: 3618323
Full? Lags? No team is that full. Any team is about 170 lbs of sweet swinging twisted steel better with my addition to their roster. Make room.


November 18, 2010
7:58:10 AM

Entry #: 3618554
wasnt really much of a secret nate, at least the league will have something else to talk about this winter too.


November 18, 2010
10:10:26 AM

Entry #: 3618634
New shirts for Patriot? New team name?

I like the lb4lb'rs...sound nice Bobby?

Chip Chip

November 18, 2010
7:27:55 PM

Entry #: 3619009
Matt, we will have some new shirts, and a new sponsor. I'll be giving you a call in the early next week. I tried to call Kirby, but his phone was busy.

E W 3 3

November 18, 2010
10:49:37 PM

Entry #: 3619132
lb4lb's going nowhere. You don't let a living legend walk away from that which he created. He is the general manager, pitcher, and spiritual leader of our team. Besides, if he isn't there, who do we get to laugh at for breaking tables, throwing bats, speaking complete gibberish, and consuming bottle after bottle of Nos and 5 hour energy?


November 19, 2010
9:56:45 AM

Entry #: 3619289
You think its easy? Dont forget ...bled! Someone post the bloody shirt pic. Ernie.. is the only one I know who can be completely and totally out of shape, not workout, and never take a supplement yet still hits and runs like a star! And he has been a viscious competitor since birth. He has two belly buttons because he gnawed through the umbilical cord of his conjoined twin and killed him off in the womb.The healthiest guy in the league? TMAC. Yes, if you discount for alcohol consumption. Ever see him eat a burger or french fry? HELL NO! Its veggies all day long. He may smoke some of his veggies now and again...but...I say mcgrath is most likely to be still playing when he is 46.


November 19, 2010
9:04:29 PM

Entry #: 3619651
Not a very good example LB4LB, I'm 46 and although I suck I am still playing and you and I both know my perky energy level picks up my teammates which makes me a valuable addition to any team,lol


November 20, 2010
9:45:27 AM

Entry #: 3619790
Mac is not the healthiest guy in the league. Just because he has the body of a Zimbabwe marathon runner doesn't make him healty. He's a smoker which disqualifies him. No doubt he will be playing well into his 40's but remember Baxter?? He played well past his 50's and his internal body age was about 70 when he retired from playing. So longevity means nothing in slow pitch softball. I am also disqualified by my Wendys diet and love for the Hippie lettuce.

Stevens 4

November 21, 2010
1:12:55 AM

Entry #: 3620118
Wait a minute- the mighty Kirby Murphy- known throughout the world for his prolific hitting and bulging biceps- has yet to break into the 1990's and get call waiting? I don't buy it. I don't think he is playing next year Chip....that sounds suspiciously like he was ducking you


November 22, 2010
8:19:14 AM

Entry #: 3620774
huh, somebody must of finally let the cat out of the bag to kirby that this was an e rec beer drinking league and he said fuk that, im not playing unless there is 15 other conference teams in the league, i dont want to drink beer and have fun, i want to compete on sunday mornings and annoy all the umpires by making all their calls from them from his post behind the plate then yell at his teammates in the dugout and piss them off too hahahahaahahaahahaahahaha


November 22, 2010
9:39:51 AM

Entry #: 3620820
Easy Mike...

Kirby's a real good dude to those that actually know him...


November 22, 2010
12:07:49 PM

Entry #: 3620919
oh im sure he is, who isnt, christ people even think im a good dude when you get to know me lol, but i dont care if your the fukin pope im still gonna bust your balls regardless, hahahaha you know that... remember, id rather watch two you know what you know what color you know what each other. . . . im a dick remember lol

Chip Chip

November 22, 2010
12:14:25 PM

Entry #: 3620924
I finally did speak to Kirby. I had to sent my general manager to his house to schmooze him. More talks during the week. Check ESPN's ticker for updates.


November 22, 2010
12:29:34 PM

Entry #: 3620941
hey chip, i just went on the website for espn and put in mens slowpitch softball and it laughed in my face, said something like, are you fukin serious, mens slowpitch softball? lol, maybe softball is just a recreational fun sport where nobody gets paid, hell it may even be a sport where you can get together with a bunch of friends and have fun even, go figure.


November 22, 2010
12:34:22 PM

Entry #: 3620949




November 22, 2010
2:31:00 PM

Entry #: 3621056
FUKING AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Chip Chip

November 22, 2010
5:56:19 PM

Entry #: 3621223
Mike...what can I say? It's going to be a long off season and I'm trying to help it pass by as quick as possible. Maybe Ian can post the countdown in the upper left corner of the website soon, so we will know how much time until ball starts.


November 23, 2010
8:15:29 AM

Entry #: 3621528
lol i hear ya chip, im doin the same thing here bud, just passin the time till march hahah,and doin what i do best bust balls and piss people off, have a good winter chip.

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