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Author TOPIC: brighto !!!!!!
sir rolley shaves alot

November 27, 2010
11:23:18 AM

Entry #: 3622912
clearly most of the people in this backwoods hick ass farmer league are very over rated . league of chumps, but i do have to say smitty you do a good job with these bunch or just ready to break out the fresh shaved bats this year all fresh out of the shop i also offer bat rolling . we use the finest tooling . just ask team bothelo they know first hand . your welcome team moulton another happy customer ..


November 29, 2010
11:34:26 AM

Entry #: 3623729
looks like someone missed english class in the backwoods high school you went to


November 29, 2010
5:18:11 PM

Entry #: 3623967
So let me get this straight. You need to use doctored bats to compete in our hick ass farmer league??? You must really suck something fierce. I am sure I can speak for a bunch of us players when I say kiss my backwoods ass. Oh and you really ought to proof read your posts because you come off as a real dumb ass. Even if you are just being funny


November 30, 2010
9:37:28 AM

Entry #: 3624248
Regardless of who he is, why are you guys bothered by him? I mean he's obviously just trying to get everyone going and 99% sure that he plays in the league.

Hey Sir Rolly: FUCK YOU!!

Ok, feel better now? I succeeded in making his post feel validated and backed you guys up.

Dutilly, it's probably you anyhow.


November 30, 2010
12:05:05 PM

Entry #: 3624334
sir rolley is a pickle puffing hot karl giving butt pirate..


November 30, 2010
6:50:29 PM

Entry #: 3624571


December 1, 2010
8:01:33 AM

Entry #: 3624787
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahha, excellent post sir rolley, love it!!!!


December 1, 2010
10:56:50 AM

Entry #: 3624854
ok time to let that go now neil....lets talk about how you guys will never win another championship with demonti on ur team.....


December 1, 2010
11:44:00 AM

Entry #: 3624881
yea I agree.. adding a top ten bat and throwing demonti in the outfield with scotty neil and myself.. we are fucked.. well at least we got one championship... let me be the first to give congrats to next years champion.. hahaha dildos


December 1, 2010
12:16:50 PM

Entry #: 3624907
its funny how dickface dutilly chimes in about championships, how many do you have toothless? comin from a guy who if you put a legal bat in his hands and you make him swing a non doctored bat would hit about.200 with zero homeruns,a certified liability in the field, no speed, two rubber knees, a mouth full of cum, and he is the biggest shit talker in the league despite the fact of everything i just said. you would think this guy is a professional softball player or something the way he talks about championships, looking at his numbers and watching him play, he pretty much sucks as far as im concerned, he should probably just stick to sucking cock, from what ernie says hes pretty fuckin good at it lol. after getting your ass beat this summer, instead of worrying about what team im on or weather or not we will ever win a championship, i would worry about your own team full of dildos and wether or not your old toothless non condom wearing kneeless cocksucking shop bat swinging crying talentless ass even has a spot on your team, your awful and the older you get the more you sound like an old ugly women, if i were you, id fucking quit, your awful!!!!


December 1, 2010
12:22:43 PM

Entry #: 3624909
another thing, what makes you think your team has even the remote chance of winning anything this year? did you guys scrap your whole team and pick up half of warwick? if not, you guys are the same group of crybabies as last year fighting for 3rd or 4th place whining the whole summer, why dont YOU let it go dutilly, quit while your behind!


December 1, 2010
12:27:29 PM

Entry #: 3624911
with the exception of toomy gunz, he played for me all fall and did a fantastic job and i would take him on any team anytime, love playing with him. you should lose the team full of crying dildos your on, be the class act that you are and no one gives you credit for.


December 1, 2010
2:17:40 PM

Entry #: 3624954
How many championships have i won? been to 3 straight and won about yourself? That right ZERO...... while i have been to three finals you have blown up 4 teams...thats a record you should be proud you call us crybabies..were all great TEAMATES... thats a word you know nothing about...and as for stats and me sucking...i never once gloated about my talents or stats...i could give a flying fuck...alls i know is this yr in the playoffs i switched to right handed and blew one out of the sissy field you played on and our crybaby ass team beat u guys in 2 games while ur faggot ass got benched by artie cause you suck....and since you wanna say i use doctored bats..lets make a bet for next yr...u supply me the bat of ur choice...a 27 0z.. and ill bet u one yrs salary that i hit for a higher avg than ur sorry will lose the bet just like to did to ryman in the hr lets see if u will put up or is ur loud mouth gonna crawl under a rock like a little bitch that u are.....douchebag


December 1, 2010
2:31:56 PM

Entry #: 3624961
and as bad i i least i didnt get benched in the playoffss...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah


December 1, 2010
3:24:06 PM

Entry #: 3625001
ohhh. Demonti....take that back. 1) Dutilly is the greatest teammate ever. And he rakes. He isnt stat obsessed like everybody else and gladly gives up abs to guys and is hilarious and he had THE most impressive homer of the year...first ab playoffs VFW..RIGHT HANDED 3 run jack. And , truly, our team has been to an unprecedented 4 finals in a row...any attempt to diminish that feat is laughable. Cry bablies? Maybe a bit....but, ........hang on , gotta a minute..more on Dutilly, our team and crazy as it sounds...details on Demo being a great player/teammate


December 1, 2010
4:03:04 PM

Entry #: 3625026
you keep saying i got benched in the playoffs, i sucked that day and i benche myself asshat, ask arty, i wasnt performing so it was better for the TEAM that a fresher guy play, ask anyone on the team and they will confirm, i didnt say a word and supported my team from the bench, the same team in which i had a great year offensively on, so you can blow me on that
2nd, your team bar none, hands down, absolutely no question about it what so ever, is the biggest bunch of whining crybabies, and just cuz im the only one in the league that has enough balls to say it and have heard this from the entire league, EVERY SINGLE CALL, EVERY SINGLE PLAY, EVERY BAD LOSS AND EVERY BAD PLAY, EVERY SINGLE CHAMPIONSHIP , WIN OR LOSS, EVERY SINGLE GAME, you guys bitch, whether it be about a bad strike, a bad call on the bases, a bad play in the field, a BAT, no matter what, somebody is crying a nd whining about something from your side, the bench the field it dont matter, you guys fuckin bitch, you guys would bitch with a tit in your mouth, wah this ones too big, wah wah the nipples hard, wah wah the left ones bigger than the right one wah. somebody should tape record you guys losing to back me up here lol
3rd, you blew one outa foster 275 ooooooooooohh, if i had a parapalegic gay nephew, he could blow it out in left you homo, so dont be bragging about that.
4th i will challenge you at ANYTHING,ANY BET ANYTIME. if you wana bet on who would win a fucking cartwheel contest, id win, ANYTHING, id win, so you let me know the wager and contest, im in GUMMZY!!!!


December 1, 2010
4:08:39 PM

Entry #: 3625030
sick fuck.....YOU GOT BENCHED


December 1, 2010
4:30:27 PM

Entry #: 3625039
the personally loved "if I had a parapalegic gay nephew" hahahahaha


December 1, 2010
5:08:52 PM

Entry #: 3625057
somewhere Chris Moulton has heartburn. He will soon be joining the I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER CLUB that was founded by Josh and has as its newest member Artiekaratie. That said....Demo is a great hitter great outfielder ..he will be by far CMs best fly chaser ,,and he has a cannon. His mistake was transforming himselg from the all time crazy fucker to Team Player Mikey thus costin VFW the championship by taking himself out of the game......I will take dutilly and demo any day


December 1, 2010
11:43:40 PM

Entry #: 3625208
THANKS DEMONTI!!! Demonti was a great pleasure to play with along with lags, walker, neil, matty, ranney, lemme, zabbo, charcie, horta, patty, riley, knight and george and anyone i missed but the only others we missed on our team was ricky and bob b.. thanks for the opportunity Demonti.. all i got to say is BOTELHO'S won the championship last year in the summer but we didnt with who we added this year.. not sayin u are bad guys just sayin!!


December 2, 2010
1:06:18 AM

Entry #: 3625239
Did you just say you took yourself out of a game in the playoffs so a "fresher" guy could play? Yeah, slow pitch softball is pretty taxing. And then you pat yourself on your back for having a great regular season right after that??? Wow! I can't even imagine taking myself out of a playoff game. I could care less what anyone does during regular season...hit when it counts. Some people just don't get it. I guess you can brag about your stats with your buddies at least.


December 2, 2010
8:17:48 AM

Entry #: 3625279
hey guapo buddy, nice of you to chime in from your nursing home, hows the new hip replacement holding up? after your first hip replacement you must be used to the rehab by bad they dont make depends for the face yet, to absorb all your tears from spotaneously crying about anything and everything all the time, lb4lb i think we should patent face depends for people like guapo, will you finance it???? i also have a early xmas present for you guapo, its a custom built walker with a retractable tampon inserter for your mangina, it automatically inserts a giant tampon in your mangina so your old ass doesnt even have to bend down anymore, its being equipped with a automatic diaper changer for you also, its for babies but i figured it would be perfect for a girl like you. and let me know if you have already gone through manapause and ill have your tampon inserter removed. please post the address to your nursing home so i can be sure to get it to you before xmas, and dont worry, ill make sure it doesnt get delivered on bingo nite, i dont wanna take any attention away from you when your crying about shaved bingo cards. merry xmas buddy lol


December 2, 2010
7:10:44 PM

Entry #: 3625537
Tommy ur right...ur better than me and ernie....we suck....we jinxed Pna and Botelhos....if theres any team out there that gets desperate and needs 2 fat overated leftys on there team please get in touch with ernie or myself....the only thing i can promise is that we will RUNOUT every single ground ball we hit...but ur team will prob lose in the finals JUST SAYIN....


December 2, 2010
10:33:12 PM

Entry #: 3625620
Dutes and Demo kiss, make up, and have a child who can (sort of) read...just watch!

My favorite part is "On heaven and ERF"


December 3, 2010
8:05:06 AM

Entry #: 3625704
you should re write that dutilly, ernie will run out every ground ball, every time you run out anything it takes 10 minutes to find all your knee parts in the batters box after they explode lol, but ernies pretty fast, even with you hanging off his cock around the bases lol


December 3, 2010
10:55:10 AM

Entry #: 3625753
ill smoke you in a race anytime demonski.....Or will someone bench you for that too?


December 4, 2010
11:03:56 PM

Entry #: 3626355
Old as fuck, but still hit better than you. When you're my age you'll either be retired or in the slammer! I must admit, I enjoy your material...very funny stuff. I can take a good ball busting. But why no HR challenge for me yet? But either I use your bat or you use mine if you know what I mean.


December 6, 2010
8:02:55 AM

Entry #: 3626763
why no home run challenge for you yet? easy, because i dont like you, plain and simple. that would mean i would have to listen to you cry and bitch the whole time, im allset, you win hows that, because the longer i can stay away from your whining, im the real winner lol. by the way you dropped your a.a.r.p card, ill mail it to your nursing home.


December 10, 2010
2:03:16 AM

Entry #: 3628694
You say I bitch and whine, but you are the bitch that won't accept a challenge from a 43 year old man that hasn't been to a gym in 20 years. Bury this now or I will harass you until you accept my challenge. If you beat me (same bat to guard against cheating), I won't post for a year...and from you, the same.


December 10, 2010
8:01:00 AM

Entry #: 3628727
wow 203 am and you were still up??? holy shit thats impressive, did the nurses have to wake you up for your meds or something? what is the challenge anyway, homeruns? i dont hit homeruns but id do it, what the hell

Stevens 4

December 10, 2010
2:01:52 PM

Entry #: 3628850
HAHAHAHAHAHAAH.... 2:03 am.....might we have been out last night. Excellent.

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