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Author TOPIC: standings

April 30, 2012
7:15:15 PM

Entry #: 3906625
Whoever is in charge should be fired. Lets update the standings please.
I'm already bored with all the macho bitch bullshit, RKG, whose cheating, who Fujitso is? GQ being crowned league champs after beating the almighty Botelho Team, how Dutilly can't play the field and is Ernie's lover and need something else to read.


May 1, 2012
8:24:41 PM

Entry #: 3907461
I agree, 2 weeks in and no scores have been posted at all, is everyone too busy to put in weekly results...bored!!


May 1, 2012
11:28:58 PM

Entry #: 3907598
I second the motion.


May 2, 2012
9:17:22 AM

Entry #: 3907725
again, I direct you to for the up to the minute standings.


May 2, 2012
9:25:37 AM

Entry #: 3907732
I even put GQ at the top. Cant wait till May 13th. When GQ plays the other regular season super Team...Crowe Bar. Lets somehow make that the Game of the Week and have them play at noon somewhere so we can all go and watch. Busta..the tank dapper well groomed leader of GQ vs Dionne...the furry round mound of grounders Ewok. Cranston vs Coventry. Barber vs hillbilly. Abs vs flabs.

Not My Buddy

May 2, 2012
10:22:50 AM

Entry #: 3907767

Not My Buddy

May 2, 2012
10:23:46 AM

Entry #: 3907768


May 2, 2012
3:27:38 PM

Entry #: 3908015
That's the funniest thread I've read in a long time, thanks Bob

Utilty guy

May 2, 2012
4:46:21 PM

Entry #: 3908080
Who gives a fuck what the standings are and what everyones average is. Ill fucking outplay any of you fags any day


May 2, 2012
7:19:13 PM

Entry #: 3908194
I regret to inform u that I will not be attending the May 13th showdown between the well groomed team GQ & the Old Theater Diner crew.

I will however be attending a frozen drink with an umbrella in it tournament in Bermuda...

Believe me, I truly wish I could be there that day, as appears to be shaping up to be a classic chess match.

Best wishes to the Crowe, but we are focused on the task at hand...this week we must get by the glorious CCFD, then we can strategize for our next battle.

...p.s. yes, I'm sure I will be taking more 'glamour shots' on the beach, this time I'll overnight ship them to Bobby B, so he can fwd to Josh for our new tradition, Lmao.


May 3, 2012
9:04:01 AM

Entry #: 3908497
Everything will be updated by Saturday afternoon.

I apologize for the delay.

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