Message from the President

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Happy Spring! Hope all have had an enjoyable start to the season. The weather wasn't helpful with practices before hand, but we can't complain about the current weather we have had.  We only had a few rule changes this year, and are welcoming two new districts, Lynchburg and Goshen.  Just to give you an idea on what the SOSLI is trying to accomplish; we are working on getting enough districts in our league to create two divisions (north/south or east/west) and have cross divisional play during tournaments.  We need about 2 more districts to get this accomplished.  

I still recommend girls wearing facemasks in all positions if possible. Safety is always our #1 concern.  

Thank you to all parents and coaches for your behavior last season. It seems we are encountering less and less ejections and confrontations, and it is much appreciated.  Remember our umpires are mostly teenagers so please keep treating them respectfully.


Have a great season!