Event Information:
Start of Fall practices
Monday, October 19, 2020
Northeast High School
1121 Duvall Highway, Pasadena, MD 21122
Athletics is set to return to Northeast High School during the week of October 19th for in-person workouts, which will hopefully transition to a competitive season for the 2nd semester.

Please refer to the attached AACPS Athletics Fall Semester Out-Of-Season Plan for details and timelines for each athletic season.

Here at Northeast High School, all teams will:

meet in person twice per week during their designated season (see attached plan).
participate in one virtual meeting each week.
Plans are in the works now for “competitive seasons” during the 2nd semester which would include post-season opportunities. Details on those plans will be shared when they are available.

If your student is interested in participating in Fall Sports, they must:

Register through: https://www.familyid.com/northeast-high-school-aa-county/2020-fall-athletic-registration-23. If they have not done so already.
Register before October 16th at 5:00pm.
Email a copy of your Medical Physical to athleticeagles@gmail.com or fax it to 410-437-3284.
Email the coach of your chosen sport indicating your intent to participate so they can send you specific information regarding your team. Please see attached list of coaches and their email addresses.
All information regarding Athletics can be accessed through the school website northeasthigh.org and/or our Eagles Athletics website nhseagleathletics.org .

Information about the spring and winter seasons, including registration links, will be sent to all families at a later time, so please stay tuned.
