This site has not been updated and will be removed from the LeagueLineup network shortly. If you'd like to keep the site active please log in to the administration section.

WHAA Online Registration Form

Only use for 1 player. After you submit this you will be prompted to add another player.
Age group is determined by the kids age on the date listed:
Boys: Age on April 30th
Girls: Age on Jan.1st

I/we, the guardian, of the above named boy/girl who is a candidate for a position on a youth league ball team, in consideration for his/her being provided with an opportunity for a spring/summer recreation program, hereby give my approval for his/her participation in any and all activities of the league during the season. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities and transportation to and from activities. I do further release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless the league, the organizers, sponsors and supervisors, any and all of them from legal liabilities for injuries sustained by the candidate while participating in league activities. I will be responsible for all uniform and equipment issued to my son/daughter by the league. I further agree that I will pay all fees required by the league.
I further agree that I, or my repersentative, will assist at the concession stand for at least one game for each player that I have given approval to participate in league activites. A schedule will be posted on the web site, one will be given to your child by their coach, and there will be a copy posted at the concession stand.

Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________________________________ Date:_________________
For official use only:
Payment Type:[__]CASH [__]CHK#__________ [__]MO#__________ // Payment Amount:[__]$60 [__]$120 [__]$0FP

Ticket #'s:________________________________________// League Rep:_______________________________
You must still come to a sign up to pay, get your tickets and sign the consent form.

* indicates required fields