MoCo Warriors - Winter 2025 Player Registraton

I understand and agree to pay the fee of $300.00 for the 2024 Fall Basketball Season. The fees cover the following expenses:

- Season 12/05/24 - 3/5/25
- Weekly Practice(s)
- League Fees (Weekly games - at least 8 for the season)
- Scrimmages (if available)
- Tournament(s) possibility (For a nominal additional fee if players available)
- AAU Registration not included, and is required! (

This does not replace any previous agreements, but merely is to be merged as such with any previous agreements or forms.

Practices, tournament, and game schedules are always available at and will be emailed to your registered Email address. It is understood that it is best to check their if you have any questions in regards to the date or time scheduled. Emergency notifications will be sent via the Crew Ap.

All new players must complete the online new player registration.

As this is competitive basketball, their is no must play rule, and players are assigned to the team by the organization. Players join to improve their skills and for that reason, we assign the player according to the team they are best suited for.

All Loaner Uniforms must be returned in good condition at the end of the season or once your player is no longer on the team, whichever comes first or $150.00 must be paid to MoCo Warriors to cover the expenses of the uniform.

Practices are MANDATORY! Please notify your coach of any possible scheduling issues!


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