March Madness 3X3 Tournament

March Madness 3X3 Basketball Tournament is for Grades 4-7 on March 17th from 6.00 to 8.00pm at R.H.Cornish Public School.

Teams can be 3-4 players. This will be a blind double elimination style tournament.
Each game will be 10 minutes in length, each team is guarenteed at least 3 games.

If registering as a team the maximum net age of players on court will be 35 (ie. if you have 2 x 13 year olds you will need a 9 year old to balance your team 13+13+9=35) this is to ensure all our teams have a fair shot to compete! Alternately, teams over the total age limit will start at a handicap, 1 basket per additional year.





All registration fees are to be paid via etransfer within 24hrs of your spot being confirmed via email. A place will not be held after this date.

REGISTRATION FEE: $10, ($30 per team) Fees sent are not refundable.

We are a not for profit group and do our very best to keep fees as low as possible - support is available if these fees are out of reach for your family, our programs are run to support our local kids, please do not hesitate to reach out if the fee is stopping you from signing up!

I agree that the coaches of the Greenbank Basketball club and the Greenbank hall board and all associated members will not be held responsible for any loss or accident and agrees to release the above from all claims or damages which may arise as a result of or by any reason of any accident or loss.

I give the coaches and greenbank hall board members permission to act as a guardian of my son/daughter in case of accident during the season for hospital or medical treatment deemed necessary by persons in charge, should the provided parent/guardian or emergency contacts be unavailable for any reason.

Players must come equipped with proper footwear and suitable clothing as well as a labelled re-usable water bottles. Balls will be available, to avoid rouge balls on the court please do not bring your own.

All participants must abide by provincial and municipal health and safety protocols at all times.

I give my permission for photos to be taken during games for use only by the Greenbank Basketball Club. Published photos are available for member viewing and personal use only and are not to be shared publicly without consent.

Registration is not a guarantee of team placement. An organizer will be in touch with you within 48hrs of registration to confirm your spot and coordinate payment.

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