2025 Registration

Mount Pearl Mens Slo-Pitch Softball League
Team Gushue Sports Complex
Application/Registration Form Year 2024 (New applicants must be residents of Mount Pearl, Southlands\Brookside\Southbrook or Brookfield Plains\Castle Bridge) and past players who no longer live in Mount Pearl.
Registration: $150 (plus any outstanding fees) To be paid at registration or make arrangements with Treasurer \ Executive member
Payments to the Mount Pearl Men's Slo-Pitch Softball League can now be made using "Email Transfer". Payments can be made to: newtreasurer@mpmspsl.ca

Interested in Joining a Committee!
***This section is for new players only. New players MUST come to the clubhouse on one of the Registration nights (first 2 Tuesdays in April)***
**New Players Only - Proof of Age and Residency required**
**Driver License to be verified by Executive member**
"I agree to indemnify and save harmless the Mount Pearl Mens Slo-Pitch Softball League Inc., its officials and executive from any and all claims for damages occurring from injury to person or loss of property, regardless of whether or not such injury to person or loss of property arises out of an act of ordinary or gross negligence on my part of the league, its officials or executive; arising out of my participation in the above mentioned league. Confirmation of the check box below indicates that I have read , understood and agreed to these terms. League may require a signature later on."

* indicates required fields