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Athletic Department Guide
The material outlined in this guide defines some of the policies and procedures for all students participation in our Athletic Program. This guide is intended to provide a better understanding of our Athletic Department’s philosophies, goals and policies.
Program Goals
Grades K-6
• To allow as many students as possible to participate and share the experience and benefits derived from team membership.
• To further skill development, appropriate attitudes and sportsmanship.
Grades 7 & 8 (Junior High)
• To exemplify the concept of teamwork, loyalty, sportsmanship and Christian Values.
• To introduce focus, mental preparation, visualization and its applications on the court and off.
• To introduce the concept of setting personal, scholastic and athletic goals and demonstrating how doing so will help towards the achievement of them.
• To teach and discuss how negativism and bad attitude significantly affects our bodies strength and stamina as well as that of those around us.
• To successfully compete with other teams in our division.
• To further skill development and conditioning for future higher level competition.
Athletes who have been selected for a team must make a commitment to be at all practice sessions, contests and team meetings. Any team member who must be late, or miss a practice, game or meeting for any reason must confer with their coach. The absence from practices, games or meetings jeopardizes retaining a position on that team or the reception of a letter.
Mandatory practices are held for approximately 2 hours, one to two times per week or as appropriate to the activity. Some practices are held on Saturdays, and practices are generally not held on Sundays. No practices may be held without 2 Cheverus coaching staff members present (or a coach and a parent).
• Participation on an athletic team can be a rewarding experience. It is important that students realize the time demands, dedication, and sacrifices required for participation on an athletic team before making this commitment.
The emphasis of our program is on the development of basic skills, appropriate attitudes and team concepts. Assessments will be made by the coach throughout the sport season relative to the development and progress of each player. It should be understood that playing time could be limited under certain conditions. The willingness of the athlete to accept direction, pay attention and demonstrate effort and hard work will be recognized and rewarded.
• The sports fee for 7th and 8th grade Boys and Girls Basketball teams will be $95.00. This fee covers:
1. Use of the uniform
2. Equipment
3. Referee Fees
4. C letters given to Eighth Grade participants
5. Tournament fee’s (according to policy regulations)
6. Banners (according to policy regulations)
7. Administrative costs
• Sports fee’s for K-4 Clinic is $20, 5th & 6th Grade Basketball is $65.00 and Cheering Squad is $40.00
• Hardship cases will be at the discretion of the Pastor and the Principal.
• Uniforms will be issued by the coaches upon receipt of the sports fee. Uniforms will be returned to the coaches at the end of the season. Failure to return the uniform (undamaged, clean and complete) will result in a fine equivalent to the replacement cost of the uniform. Students are to wear uniforms only to games.
• Equipment will be purchased by the school. The coaches are responsible for the return of the equipment (basketballs, first aid kits, etc.) at the end of the season.
• Referee fees will be paid by the school.
• No team jackets will be purchased by the school.
• Tournament fees will be paid at the discretion of the Pastor and the Principal.
• When a team qualifies for a banner, the Pastor and the Principal will hold a special meeting to determine if it will be purchased by the school.
• The only trophies awarded to the teams/cheerleaders will be those given by the divisions and where applicable from tournaments.
• Shared hours will be used for supervision at home basketball games including closing up the gym/school, lights, windows and keeping downstairs area off limits.
• No food or drinks will be allowed in the gym at any time.
• Should a student be selected for more than one sports program, that student will be allowed to participate in only one program in fairness to other students.
• All Basketball players and Cheerleaders must maintain grades and display proper behavior to remain on the team or Cheerleading squad.
• Eighth grade girls are chosen as Captain and Co-Captain by the Cheerleaders. Students on conditional status are not eligible for Captain or Co-Captain positions.
Substitution: When a substitute is needed to fill in for a Captain or Co-Captain, a rotation process will take place beginning with eighth graders only serving in that
• The Cheverus “C” will be presented to eligible eighth grade members of the Cheerleading Squad and Basketball Teams at the end of year celebration.
• The end of year celebration will be organized and planned, as well as run by a task force using service hours. Parents and adult helpers to the sports program will be welcomed and the administration - Pastor and Principal - will be invited.
• Mascots - If there is a mascot on the Cheverus School Cheerleading Squad, the following should be considered for the selection of such a person:
1. The mascot should be a sister or brother of an 8th grader who was selected for the
squad that year or;
2. The mascot should be the sister or brother of a 7th grader if there is not a sister or
brother of an 8th grader who is part of the squad.
3. The mascot will complete the same liability form that a member of the squad completes.
4. No mascot would be allowed to participate in any form of competition if the squad
chooses to enter a competition.
5. The mascot would only attend home games.
6. The final decision as to whether or not a mascot would be part of the current squad
would be at the discretion of the Cheerleading Coach.
*The completion of a Criminal Offender Record Information form (CORI) is required of all adult program volunteers.
* Any parent, family member or spectator who does not display sportsmanlike conduct or decorum at a game or school sponsored event will be asked to leave the event by the head coach or referee.
• Grievance Procedure:
Any questions, concerns or complaints should first be directed to the Coach of the activity in which your child is participating. If you are not satisfied with the result of this meeting, you may request a meeting with the Athletic Director. If you are still dissatisfied after
meeting with the Athletic Director you may submit a written request for a meeting with the Principal outlining your grievance.
Eligibility / Tryout Process / Team Selection
1. Students conduct, effort and grade levels will be considered in determining eligibility for any after school program, team or squad.
2. The date of tryouts or activity will be announced at least two weeks in advance.
3. Parental permission sheets are now found online. Parental permission sheets must be signed and returned before tryouts.
4. Teachers will review the names on the list and speak with any students they deem necessary.
5. Upon approval by the teachers, the list will be reviewed by the Principal and submitted to the Coach.
6. Announcement of the Teams/Cheerleaders selected will be made after tryouts by the Coaches. First the Principal will be notified. After review, the selection list will be posted. Once the selection list is posted, the process is considered completed and finalized.
7. Cheerleaders/Basketball Players will serve for one (1) school year term. Each school year everyone desiring to be a Cheerleader/Basketball player for that year must tryout.
8. Each student must show flexibility and accept willingly in the spirit of good sportsmanship any position assigned by their coach.
9. Contracts and Uniform policy agreements must be signed and returned before anyone may participate in Basketball/Cheerleading.
10. Team players/Cheerleaders will be selected from 7th and 8th grade students.
11. 6th Graders are no longer eligible to play on the 7&8 grade basketball teams but may be invited to practice at the coaches discretion.
12. All program participants, Basketball players and Cheerleaders must maintain grades and display proper conduct and behavior to remain eligible to participate in any program.
Participation on a Cheverus athletic team/squad is a privilege and all athletes are expected to provide a leadership role for other members of the student body, and always act in an exemplary manner that will be complimentary to the team, school and community.
If any of the goals, policies or procedures outlined in this guide are not completely understood or require further clarification or explanation, you are welcome to consult with any Coach or the Athletic Director at any time.
* indicates required fields