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2024 Regular Season Registration
The "Beav's" Helping Hand Fund
In early January 2019 Kentville lost a great friend of youth sport. Gary "Beaver" McGinis passed away just short of his 60th birthday. Beaver was well known throughout the local sports world (whether it be Minor Baseball, Minor Hockey, Soccer, the Pool or the Senior Wildcats) by the kids and parents alike. However, he had a special place in his heart for Minor Baseball as both his sons played ball from T-Ball to Bantam.

Beaver worked for the Town of Kentville's Parks and Recreation Department for about 30 years and spent many an afternoon or evening mowing and/or doing the infields for the various ball fields.

To honor his memory, the Town of Kentville's Public Works Union (of which he was a long-term and proud member) has established a permanent fund - The "Beav's" Helping Hands Fund. This fund will have an annual payout of $500.00 for registration with Kentville Minor Baseball Association. (Five players will be awarded $100.00 each to help offset their KMBA registration.)

Parents that wish to apply for this assistance should complete the application form from the Helping Hands link on our website when registering their child for the 2019 season. The completed application form must be emailed to the Kentville Minor Baseball Registrar ( once the online registration has been completed.