Online Forms
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"TEAM ROSTER FORM" This form is for teams that have 9 or more players on their roster. |
"GROUP ROSTER FORM" This form is for teams that have 2 to 8 players in their group. |
"FREE AGENT FORM" This form is for individual players that are interested in finding a team to play for. |
"PLAYER INFORMATION SHEET" This form is to get information on all interested players or teams. |
"SUBSTITUTE PLAYER FORM" This form is for individual players that would like to play but cannot commit to this season. |
"ADD OR REMOVE A PLAYER FORM" This form is to add or remove players on your roster. |
"SUSPENDED GAME FORM" This form is for teams to report details about a game that was suspended for any reason. |
"SPONSORSHIP FORM" This form is to advertise Team Sponsors on our web site. Only Sponsors of "Our Teams" will be advertised. |