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New Jersey Women’s Fastpitch League, LLC


2020 Playing Rules & General Conduct Guidelines


** New Jersey Women’s Fastpitch League is an independently ran league governed by the Amateur Softball Association of America (ASA) with its own local options that are stated below. All rules apply to all divisions and all locations of the New Jersey Women’s Fastpitch League and are subject to change, be reviewed or altered at any time during the season. **

All managers, coaches, and players must conduct themselves appropriately at all times. Player safety and the values of good sportsmanship are to be emphasized above all other considerations. Unsportsmanlike conduct, including put not limited to; off-color language, trash-talk, intentional base path collisions, bean balls and any equipment throwing WILL NOT to be tolerated by any League representative. Following one warning, repeat offenders may be asked to leave the field or the stands. If, in the umpire’s discretion, a player intentionally and maliciously commits a second act, following an initial warning, that is or may be harmful to any other participant (collision, thrown equipment, bean ball, etc.), that player will be ejected from the game and will not be eligible for the following game. There will be no exceptions made for playoff games. Accidents are tolerated, but in the interests of safety and sportsmanship, intentional acts are not.


** Players and coaches ejected from a game will serve a one game suspension.  Any physical conduct towards umpires or players will be reviewed by the league office and punished accordingly.  Two ejections by a single player/coach will result in expulsion from the League.  However, the league reserves the right to ban a player at any time at their discretion.

The umpires are in charge of the game. All league representatives, participants and their families should show the utmost respect and sportsmanship in their interactions with our umpires. Berating umpires will not be tolerated. The NJWFL takes its relationships with its umpires very seriously and will take appropriate steps to ensure that the ongoing interactions remain appropriate and productive.  All “Protests” are to be handled at the time that the incident occurs. All incidents are to be settled at the field. All decisions made by the umpire are not subject to protest and all decisions are to remain final. 

The slide or avoid rule: The general rule is always slide. The runner may choose not to slide into a bag on a tag or force play but MUST avoid the fielder. If there is a collision between the runner and fielder, other than at first base, the runner is declared out, the ball is ruled dead at the time of impact and the other runners are returned to their last-touched base. This rule may be invoked on a play at first base if the collision is caused by the malicious act of the base runner. It will be the umpire’s discretion as to whether or not he runner violated the spirit of this rule.  Runners running to first base MUST use the orange bag unless continuing onto 2nd base.  First basemen MUST use the white bag unless pulled into foul territory.  Safety of our players is most important and any collision due to not sliding WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!  Umpires will strictly enforce this rule…if in doubt, runner is to be declared OUT.

- Head first sliding is allowed except for at first base (sliding back to first is permitted) and home. 

Cleats: Metal spikes are NOT PERMITTED. Players are recommended to wear plastic or rubber cleats, but may wear sneakers. .  If a player does not have an alternate she is not permitted to play. (Barefoot, sock, flip-flops, etc. are NOT permitted)

Helmets: Players must wear a Protective NOCSAE Approved Batting Helmet while at bat, on deck, and running the bases. Helmets do not have to be full masked.

Bats: Bats shall be marked OFFICIAL SOFTBALL by the manufacturer and must meet one of the 5 major governing body standards in all divisions. The 5 major governing bodies that certify bats are: ASA, USSSA, ISA, NSA and ISF. As long as your bat has at least one of these certification stamps on it, they are acceptable. The NJWFL WILL NOT allow any altered, cracked, or damaged bats to be used in a game.

Balls: All game balls will be supplied by the New Jersey Women’s Fastpitch League prior to the start of each game. At the end of the game, each team is allowed to keep one of the game balls. 

Pitchers: All Fastpitch forms are acceptable: windmill, sling-shot or even figure 8 if anyone still throws that way! The pitch starts when the pitcher separates one of the hands from the ball after the hands are together. Such techniques as the “crow hop” “leap” and overhand is illegal!

-After receiving the ball from the catcher, the pitcher must deliver the ball towards home plate in no less than 1 second or no more than 10 seconds. Prior to starting the pitch, the pitcher must take a position in which both feet are in contact with the pitching rubber. The pitcher must also take a position in which her shoulders are in line with first and third base, with both hands on the ball. A portion of the non-pivot foot must remain in contact with the pitcher’s plate at all times before beginning the forward step.  Pitcher is not allowed to take a step backward prior to delivering the pitch.  The pivot foot must remain in contact with, or push off and drag away from the pitching plate prior to the front foot touching the ground. The pivot foot must remain in contact with either the pitching plate or at ground level. Pivot foot may not leave the ground until ball is released.  The pitcher will be considered to be in the pitching position unless the catcher is not in position to receive the pitch. The pitcher may not be on or near the pitching plate without having possession of the ball.

-Pitchers who intentionally throw at a batter with malicious intent will be ejected from the game immediately.  If not done with malice, one warning will be issued by the umpire.

-All pitchers may be reinserted back in as the pitcher during the game. (This is to help managers get all pitchers some work during the game)

-Intentional walks MUST to be pitched.

Catchers - All team catchers must wear complete protective catching equipment consisting of a chest protector, mask, leg guards and a throat guard attached to the mask.  Plastic face masks are not permitted.


-Catchers cannot be in the base path without having possession of the ball.  If the ball is on the way, she MUST be in front of the plate until she has possession. 


*MANDATORY SPEED UP RULE – A catcher cannot be on base if there are two outs, a courtesy used at this time. The runner is to be the player prior to catcher in the lineup that is available (not already on base).  This rule is in effect during both regular season and plays-offs! 

Stealing: Base runners are permitted to steal any base they choose. Base runners are permitted to steal once the ball is released by the pitcher.  Leaving a base early penalty—the runner is immediately out and a dead ball will be declared by the umpire.  This means that the result of the play does not count including a ball or strike against a batter or the result of the ball being hit into play.  Any other base runners remain at their original base.

Games: Teams should arrive 20-30 minutes prior to the start of their games. All games will start at their scheduled times, however if both teams along with the umpire are ready to play, games may start earlier. A 10 minute grace period will be granted but will not be tolerated if abused.  If teams will abuse this rule, it will be at the discretion of the League owner or representative to remove the grace period after notifying all managers.  A forfeit will be issued to the team that cannot field a team at game time.  All teams will be scheduled as the home team for half their games. The other half they will be scheduled as the visiting team. A regulation game for all NJWFL divisions and locations will be 7 innings long or a time limit of 1 hour and 45 minutes, whichever comes first EXCEPT the last game of the day (permitting daylight isn’t an issue) the game is to go the full 7 innings with no time restriction. A game called by an umpire shall be regulation if 4 or more complete innings have been played or the time limit has been reached. 

Regular season games CAN end in a tie, IF there is adequate time remaining before the next games is to begin, the International Tie Breaker will be used.  Therefore the 8th inning and every inning thereafter, will start with the person above the leadoff batter in the lineup on second base as the baserunner, with no outs.  Playoff games CANNOT end in a tie and do not have a time limit.  ITB will still be used in the 8th inning.  **Run Ahead Rule: When a team is ahead by 10 runs or more runs at the end of the 5th inning, the team with 10 or more runs will be declared the winner.  15 after the 4th…however it will be the choice of the losing team to end the game in the 4th or play through the 5th—where the 10 run rule may then apply.


Rainouts for both regular season and playoffs will be determined by the local Parks & Recreation Department field official. All teams will be notified once the league office has been informed of the rainout. Once the game begins, rainouts will be determined by the umpire, NJWFL rep or by the local Parks & Recreation Department field official.  Umpires will also stop play at the first sign of lightning or close thunder. Players and spectators should seek cover away from the field and bleachers, preferably in a motor vehicle.  The allotted time for delay is 30 minutes from the last lightning or thunder heard. If the game does have to be called but is not yet regulation, it will resume from the exact point where it was halted regardless of inning. If a game is called due to inclement weather or other conditions deemed unsafe by the umpire, the game is considered official upon completion of 3 ½ innings if the home team is in the lead or 4 innings if the visiting team is in the lead.  ** If you start a game and it is "suspended" due to weather, both teams please email me the game info at or you can fill out the suspended game for on the website. (The time, date, field, teams, division, inning suspended in, women on base and score, etc..) We will try to continue the game where you left off at a later date.  **

Every team MUST carry a minimum of 15 and is unlimited.  Anyone stepping on the field MUST fill out a “Player Registration Form”.  In order for a player to be eligible for playoffs, they must play in at least 4 games.  Players cannot be on two different team rosters in the same division because there is a chance of playing each other. A player may change teams prior to the start of the new season.  However, players may sub for other teams. For the 2017 season players will have to turn 18 years old by April 1, 2016. At any time players may be asked to show proof of age at the league's discretion. (I.e. driver’s license or birth certificate)

A team is permitted to start and end a game with a MINIMUM of 8 players on a team. However, the team must fill the 9th batting position immediately, if the 9th player comes. If for some reason a team cannot field 8 players for the end of the game, the game will be ruled a forfeit and a win declared for the other team. The forfeit bond does not apply to this situation and both teams will cover umpire’s fees.  See PICK-UP PLAYER RULE for the requirements of the players you use (as far as rostered players). If a team’s batting order shrinks for any reason, provided the team has at least 9 players, the other team will be awarded an out the first time the spot is missed.


Playing time:  We strongly recommend that all players get some playing time during the course of the game to further everyone’s enjoyment of Fastpitch softball. Although it is HIGHLY recommended, it is entirely up to the manager.  During the regular season game NO player is to sit on the bench for the entire game.  Please be fair to all players, they all pay the same and want to play.  If subs are being used, they are to sit as well.  No sub will play over or play more innings than a rostered player.

** To make it fair to all players and help managers -- All teams must bat their entire lineup. This means… all players at the game will be in the batting order.  ** Free Defensive Substitutions:  This means… the manager can substitute girls in and out defensively throughout the game.

Batting order:  In the event that the batting order should shrink for any reason during the game (ex. a player has to leave, or is too injured to continue), the team must take one out for every lost position in the batting order. This out must be taken when the lost spot in the order becomes due. You may not add another player in this batting position (no substitutions).  This out will be taken only once for each spot lost. After the out has been taken one time, the team will skip over that spot in the batting order. The vacant spot must be pointed out to the umpire as the spot becomes due by the team losing the player.  If the batting order has shrunk for any reason, it may be expanded with new arriving players which have to be added to the bottom of the lineup. New arriving players may be added to the bottom of the batting order at any time during the game.

Courtesy Runners: Each team may use 4 courtesy runners for the game.  The manager must name the players who will require courtesy runners prior to the start of the game. To notify the opposing team, please note which players need a courtesy runner by putting a * next to their name on the roster card.

 **The courtesy runner is the person closest to the player that needs one that is currently on the bench. (Not the last batted out) This player is the one that batted previously and also is an available runner. This player may have already scored or has been a batted out.  For example, the number 8 batter gets on and needs a runner….the 7th batter would be the runner unless she is on or if she gets a courtesy runner.  At that point the runner would be the 6th batter…and so on. If a courtesy runner in on base when it is her turn to bat, it will be an out!   **Pitchers are not an exception to this rule, if you don’t want your pitcher to run, you must mark her for a courtesy runner. 


Forfeit Rule/Bond: If a team fails to appear on the field or doesn’t have enough players 10 minutes after game start time (which can be altered at a NJWFL representative’s discretion), the game will be considered a forfeit in favor of the team not at fault.  Also, a team will forfeit the game if they have enough players but refuse to begin a game for which it is scheduled for.  The score will be recorded at 7-0.  ** Although not mandatory, teams are encouraged to scrimmage in the event that a game has been called as a forfeit. Scrimmage game must be done 30 minutes prior to the next game. ** 


-Forfeit bonds are required of all NJWFL teams. The forfeit bond amount of $100 will be held in trust until the end of the season.  The league will cash all checks submitted as forfeit bonds to verify their validity.  The forfeit bond will be used to cover payment of umpires for forfeited games. The forfeit bond is an attempt to have as many teams try to get their games in. All teams who do not forfeit any games will get a full refund at the end of the season or have the option to roll it over to the following year.  If a manager pays this bond out of her pocket the amount will go back to her.  If players paid the league fee with the bond included, the bond is due to the team.  If a team doesn’t return the following year, bond will be split amongst those who contributed to it.

-Teams forfeiting games at game time are responsible for paying all umpires fees. If a team is a no show and forfeits their game, the losing team is obligated to cover the winning team’s fee for the umpire. The winning team’s portion of the umpire fee will come out of the losing team’s forfeit bond.  A forfeited game is considered a loss in the standings as well as a win for the team that showed to play. THE SCORE GETS RECORDED AS A 7-0 LOSS TO THE FORFEITING TEAM.  After the 2nd forfeited game, the team will forfeit its entire bond and be expelled from the league.  ***This includes forfeiting BEFORE game day.  If a team cannot field a team, with 5 of their own players, for more than 2 weeks, they will not be asked to return the following year.  This league was created so women can play, so it's not fair to the teams that can field a team to not be able to play.


Pregnancy:  If a player wishes to play while pregnant she MUST submit a letter from her OBGYN stating it is safe for her to play. 


Bat Boy/Girl: Teams may elect to have a bat boy or girl if they so choose, but he/she MUST wear a batting helmet AT ALL TIMES.



The Team Manager:  NJWFL relies heavily on the team manager to be a liaison between the team and the league and to serve as a leader by promoting fair play and creating a fun, positive atmosphere.

-Other Team Manager responsibilities are but not limited to: notifying their team members of playing rules, playing schedules/schedule changes, eligibility policies, ensuring that their team is in compliance to all rules and regulations and should be the only one representing the team in the case of protests. The Team Manager must keep an official scorebook, submit 2 Lineup sheets consisting of full name and # of each player at the start of each game (one to the opposing team and the other to a NJWFL representative), Email or text the score immediately after games for posting on the website, oversee team conduct and handle any other situations that might arise. The Team Manager must be present at “captains meeting” prior to each game to pay umpire fees (fee are due at the beginning of each game), go over any rules, and clarify any questions, ensure all their players wear matching jersey or team color shirt with no duplicating numbers while on the field, as well as on the bench or in the dugout (full uniforms are not required.) and verify all players, including subs have filled out, signed and handed in the “Player Registration Form” prior to stepping on the field. (Failure to do this will result in a FORFIET!!)


Playoffs: All teams must play 50% of their games (weather permitting) will be considered eligible for playoffs.  Each manager will be informed of the number of games a player needs to have by the 7th game of the season.


-Playoff games cannot end in a tie and must have a “winner”. There is no time limit during playoff games, although speed up rules will apply as well as the run rule, ITB and

-Subs are NOT eligible for playoffs – there is a no tolerance for this – the game will be considered a forfeit.

- Playoff games are single elimination with all teams making the playoffs.

-Higher seeded team is the home team & Highest seeded team ALWAYS plays the lowest seeded team.


League standings will be determined by the teams’ win/loss record.


When two teams are tied for playoff spots:

1.  Best record head to head

2.  Run differential in the head to head game(s)

3.  The average of the fewest total runs allowed during the regular season

4.  The average of the most total runs scored during the regular season

5.  Coin flip



When 3 or more teams are tied for a playoff spot:

1.  When all tied teams have played each other and 1 team has beaten everyone      tied with them, that team is awarded the top spot.

2.  Run differential between the tied teams during head to head games.

3.  The average of the fewest total runs allowed during the regular season.

4.  The average of the most total runs scored during the regular season.

5.  Coin flip.



Championship game will be the best out of 3-unless teams decide at beginning of season for one.

Game 1, highest seeded team is home

Game 2, lowest seeded team is home

Game 3 (if necessary) home team will be the winner of a coin flip


Awards will be given to the 1st place team of each division.


--In an effort to help all teams and prevent the risk of any team forfeits, the NJWFL has created the “Pick-Up Player Rule”.

When creating this league, the intent was for getting women back on the field to play Fastpitch again.  As far as the games are concerned, we WANT YOU TO PLAY…and not have to forfeit just because you cannot field a team.  Most teams will be ok with getting at least 9 to each game…but things do come up and we don’t want to see forfeits. We have come up with (3) ideas that should eliminate this situation.  Managers must emphasize how important it is to your players that you MUST know if they are making the game for the upcoming Sunday.  As soon as you know you are in need - Post on Facebook, text the Managers or reach out to a League Representative.  

Sister Player (Highly recommended) – A “Sister Player” is a player that already plays in any division of NJWFL, and has already completed all her required paperwork and fees. This option typically works the best – (If you have a 12pm game and know that you will be short players, check out who’s playing after you on the schedule and call the managers of those teams to see if you could borrow a player (or two) off their roster or if you have 2pm game come to the 12pm game and reach out to the girls playing – most of them will stay to get more innings in!)


Substitute Player – This can a player off our off our sub list or someone you may know who would like to play but cannot commit to the entire season.  These players MUST fill out the Player Registration forms prior to stepping on the field.

Guest Player (Emergency) – In a circumstance where the other two options were attempted but a team is still in need of a player, a manager could ask a female spectator to play. Requirements of appropriate footwear & Player Registration form completed prior to stepping on the field.

Limitations to this rule:

-You must have at least 5 of your own Rostered players to play in any game….which means you can pick up to/no more than 3 other players.  You may not have over 10 in our lineup when using these players.

-A Pick-up player CANNOT pitch.

- All Pick-up players must bat at the BOTTOM of the order….meaning all original team players must bat before any Pick-up player bats.  Pick up players are not permitted to play defense more than a rostered player. If rostered players show after start of game, they MUST play over substitutions.

- Pick-up players ARE NOT allowed for Playoff Games.


Pick-up players (PU) you can add:

Only 1 PU player if you have 9 rostered players attending

Only 1 or 2 PU players if you have 8 rostered players attending

Only 2 or 3 PU players if you have 7 rostered players attending

Only 3 PU players if you have 6 rostered players attending

Only 3 PU players if you have 5 rostered players attending