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Author TOPIC: Training with the Blackhawks

March 17, 2009
2:05:48 PM

Entry #: 3089896
The Blackhawks have asked if we would be interested in some extra training sessions when the Arena opens again. This would be joint sessions with the Blackhawks on a Tuesday night.There would be additional cost of about £10 per session.

How many of you (Panthers) are interested in this?



March 17, 2009
7:50:38 PM

Entry #: 3090366
aye, gagging for a good skate.


March 17, 2009
8:40:00 PM

Entry #: 3090427

I'll see how my first session goes on the 28th, but if all goes well I'll be up for it as long as work allows.


Andy D

March 18, 2009
1:08:43 AM

Entry #: 3090778
I'd be up for it occasionally. We have a club night on Tuesdays which I'm sometimes needed for though.


March 18, 2009
2:20:42 AM

Entry #: 3090878
It's just an idea for an extra skate on the 07th & 14th April.

We have not had much skating and you guys have the plate and we have the cup within weeks of getting back into Braehead.

A tuesday night from 20:30 to 22:00 is the proposed time (if available) and we would plsit the cost of the ice hire.

There is also no ice from the 17th to 26th April.


March 18, 2009
1:38:10 PM

Entry #: 3091204
Yes!... no ice from the 17th to 26th April.....

But the Panthers have booked substitute sessions on Thursday 16th and Tuesday 28th April - Check bottom of Welcome Page for times.

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