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| bart21
July 5, 2009 10:57:04 PM
Entry #: 3206579
| Throughout this season, I have been asked numerous times, "What is Championship Day?" and "Do we have to participate?". This question has not only been asked by people from our new leagues but also by people from leagues who have been in the Edison Central League for years. So, with those questions in mind I thought it might be good to pass on a little history of Championship Day.
Prior to 1994 Championship Day did not exist. The Edison League was made up of 6 Local Leagues which comprised approximately 30 teams including Major Boys, Minor Boys and T-Ball with a few Girls slow Pitch teams in the mix. In those days only the top 4 regular season teams in the Majors and Minors played in a tournament with only the top two teams in each group receiving trophies. The Edison League did not recognize T-Ball who would generally have an open tournament hosted by one of the local leagues as a fund raiser for that league. Any T-Ball team who wanted to attend could. Girls tournaments did not exist.
In 1994, I became President of the Edison Central League and along with my other officers, Phil Waggoner and Bob Wilson, began winter meetings with the Presidents of the 6 local leagues. Together we spent numerous hours at Executive Meetings developing By-Laws and coming up with ways to make our league better. Many times those meetings lasted until 1 or 2 in the morning. Championship Day was one of the Brain Storms that came from those meetings. We wanted something that would involve every team in our league including T-Ball and girls softball. We wanted something that would bring each individual community and league together as one Central league unit where everyone would participate and share in the excitement of tournament play. Thus, our first inter-league tournament was created where everyone got to participate not just the top 3-4 teams in each age group..
Our next step was to find a way where every player in our league would get recognition. We wanted it for every player in our league, not just those who were playing in the championship games. We wanted something that would bring all of our local leagues together to share in the championship games. Finally we wanted something that would be of benefit to all of those leagues who participated. That is when the idea of Championship Day came about. We decided to have one day, at one location where every championship game would be played. We would recognize every player in the league who attended not just those playing. We would pass out all awards that day and at the same time create a festival atmosphere that would act as a fund raiser for all of the leagues involved.
Our first Championship Day was held in 1995 at the Irondale Park. In those days only a few of our leagues had more than one field, and those that did were not completely behind the idea. So, we still gave it a shot and since Irondale was willing to host and had only one field we had a double elimination tournament with a single elimination Championship Day because we knew we would be lucky to get people to attend on one day let alone two. Despite two of the six leagues not attending that day at all we still had a successful day crowning champions in T-Ball, Minor boys, Major Boys, 9-12 girls, and 13-18 girls while at the same time raising approximately $1000 for the league to share toward the following years league fees.
Today Championship Day is what every player and coach shoots for. Everyone's ultimate goal is to experience the thrill of playing on Championship Day. It's hard to believe but in 2016 we will be celebrating our 22nd Championship day. This year we had 79 teams competing for the right to play on Championship Day, a far cry from the 30+ we had 20+ years ago.
Most people have no idea what it costs to run a local league for one season let alone what it costs to run a central league the size of ours. This year alone, the Central league will have paid out nearly $17000.00 toward memberships, Insurance, balls, and awards. All of those fees would fall on the shoulders of each local league if it were not for the $3000 to $5000 we now raise on Championship Day and the $9000 to $14,000 raised at the Hit-A-Thon. Most of the leagues will have all of their Edison League fees paid next year which will allow them to use their own hard earned money to improve their own local leagues. All it takes is some participation.
So, What is Championship Day?
It is one day that brings all of our communities, local leagues, players, coaches, and fans together as one, to recognize every player in our league, to recognize our champions, to celebrate the end of another great season, and to raise funds to make each and every league, as well as the Central league, better next year.
Do you have to participate?
Ultimately, the choice is yours. But to answer a question with a question, "WHY WOULDN'T YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE?"
| bart21
June 18, 2010 11:46:49 PM
Entry #: 3507865
| This needs bumped up for everyone to read and understand.
| bart21
July 7, 2013 2:03:20 PM
Entry #: 4071579
| 2013 Bump
| Terry B
July 4, 2014 9:34:38 PM
Entry #: 4134340
| 2014 bump
| Terry B
July 9, 2015 11:46:42 PM
Entry #: 4172940
| Bump 2015
| Terry B
June 21, 2016 3:09:25 PM
Entry #: 4200552
| bump for 2016