| Eric B
August 7, 2012 2:57:33 PM
Entry #: 3958800
| I am looking to start a fall coed softball league being run from the East Penn Sporting Club field in Lehighton. It is located off Rt. 248 Bowmanstown exit and up Rt. 895 about 2 miles on the left. This field has lights and would run 2 games per night starting August 21st (or 28th if need to push it back to then). One team per night would play a double header with the other two only playing one on the night scheduled. Games would be run Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights with game times at 6:15pm and 7:30pm. The league will be open to 8 teams with a three girls playing the field per game. You will be able to bat as many people as you want, but you cannot bat more than 3 guys in a row. The tentative playoffs would be held the weekend of October 13th. Only fees would be for the field light usage, balls, books, and ump fees to be used in the playoff games. Insurance is already covered. There would be two divisions with each team playing the teams in their division twice and once out of division equalling a 10 game season. Entrance fee would be $300.00 per team. Let me know if you have interest in entering a team or have any questions. You can view the current website at www.leaguelineup.com/epfsl, but I will have to update the schedule to reflect the accurate start date. If you personally do not have any interest, but know someone that may, forward this on. The sooner I have 8 teams, the sooner I can schedule a coaches meeting and get the league started.