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Author TOPIC: How can we make Mandatory Play process better
Troy Loftin

October 7, 2016
11:18:23 AM

Entry #: 4209775
Many associations and teams have had issues this season with the Mandatory Play. Rather than abandoning this practice, we'd like to find out if there's things we can do to make it better.

We welcome any thoughts you may have to help us improve this process.


Keda Pullins

October 8, 2016
10:16:53 AM

Entry #: 4209820
The mandatory play count rule needs to stay for sure in order to protect the integrity of each team and the players that are there. I do believe some adjustments are necessary.

The set up:
I recommend having a dedicated person from each league assigned to play count and that individual gets listed just like the site managers on the league site. Those individuals should sit together by the scoreboard until both teams satisfy the count. Those individuals should also be responsible for entering the information onto an online form housed on the ECYFL site. This brings transparency to all teams and eliminate discussions during playoffs about someone not playing all of their players in order to win.
The process:
Sometimes it's difficult to see the jersey numbers of the players so having the opposing team's representative there helps however having the players stand with their jersey number facing the play count personnel will help even more. During substitutions the players should have to show there numbers to the scoreboard area just like in basketball.
I did witness one team having to physically put a player out there who did not wish to play football at all. In that same game a parent coach forced his son to play. Both kids got their count in and it built football experience for them but some teams don't do that. In order to ensure we are being fair to the kids and each association I recommend reviewing players that are listed as "do not want to play" for 3 or more games. I'm saying this because the association above pushed their 2 players whereas another encouraged a player not to play. If we housed these play counts online each association can see which teams have individuals that are listed as "do not want to play" all of the time.

I hope this helps but I definitely do not want to see it go away.

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