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Total Entries: 46

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Barlow Bruin for Life
Gresham, OR
September 29, 2012
9:53:37 AM

Entry ID: 1992134
Great win against David Douglas Friday night. Good luck to the Bruins for the rest of the season.
Bruin Fan
September 6, 2012
10:52:47 PM

Entry ID: 1988789
Have a great season!
Barlow Fanatic
June 25, 2012
10:42:17 PM

Entry ID: 1976288
Looking great on the RED turf!! The season is just around the corner. Enjoy the summer, and see you all football fans in August!!!!! Go Bruins!!
Bernadette Bruin
Gresham oregon
September 18, 2011
1:47:42 PM

Entry ID: 1914356
Great win Friday night over Clackamas! What an amazing game!
Bernie Bruin
Gresham, OR
August 24, 2011
7:30:09 PM

Entry ID: 1908643
Thanks to everyone who contributed in making Barlow Football's first Luau a success! It was a great night, an awesome festivity to kick off the 2011 season for all the Barlow football families and friends! Thanks to all the volunteers who worked hard to make it happen.
Bruin Fan
June 29, 2011
12:37:03 AM

Entry ID: 1895954
Great camp at Eastern Washington! See you in August when the 2011 season starts!!
Bernie Bruin
June 22, 2011
5:53:41 AM

Entry ID: 1894334
The Bruins are off to Cheney, WA!! Have a great camp!
Bruin Fan!
May 30, 2011
9:51:06 PM

Entry ID: 1890144
Spring Football!!!!!!!!!
Barlow Alumni
November 1, 2010
12:27:40 PM

Entry ID: 1841591
Great season so far guys. Let's keep it going! GO BRUINS!
Bernie Bruin
Gresham, OR
September 15, 2010
3:09:24 PM

Entry ID: 1827016
We're off to a good start! Let's have a great season!! Go Bruins!!
Bruin Fan
June 21, 2010
2:04:03 PM

Entry ID: 1801959
Have a great time at the camp, Bruins! And have a great summer! See you in the fall.
Bruin Fan
Gresham, OR
August 31, 2009
1:37:41 PM

Entry ID: 1689876
Have a great 2009 season!!
Mike and Jan Syring
June 24, 2009
3:01:52 PM

Entry ID: 1650729
Thank you to the Johnson's for all the awesome pictures from Boise!! We looked forward each day to see all the goings on there.Thanks again!!!!!!
Bruin Fan
G-town Oregon
June 16, 2009
10:39:10 PM

Entry ID: 1645574
Looking good on the blue turf! Have a great summer! Looking forward to the season!!
Nancy Jones
Bruin Country USA
February 1, 2009
8:59:56 PM

Entry ID: 1554513
Well as the old saying goes ... "all good things must come to an end"... it's time for me to step down and hand over the Barlow Bruins Website. It has been my pleasure and honor to serve as your Communications and Website person for the last three years, which has flown faster than I can even put into words. I am very proud of how far the website has grown, going from under 1,000 hits to over 36,000 which I think is totally amazing and a great comment of how our football community has grown. I do want to thank some very special people, without whom I could never have pulled off this job. First off to Terry Summerfield, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do this job and be involved with the football program. Thanks too Terry for all your support and caring to not only my sons but to me as well. To Nori Johnson who has been my master picture taker for team and player pics, not only here at home but at Boise too. You are amazing and I will always be grateful for your help. To Chris Holzbach for his pictures these last two seasons which have really helped our photo albums. To Scott Smoot and Gregg Holstrom for getting me those stats to post. To Karyn Dougharity for putting up with my endless phone calls and questions. To Peggy Paul, our fearless leader, for all your help, support and encouragement, your friendship will always mean the world to me. To all the parents who got me frosh and JV scores when I could not be at the games. And last, and most importantly to my husband and sons who put up with my long nights and craziness these past three years, but always supported me all the way. This has been an amazing six years for me with two sons playing in the program. It's hard to leave something you have grown to love, but I take such wonderful memories and I see in my boys every day how this program helped make them the amazing young men they are so for this and so much I am so very grateful. And to my son Shaun and the graduating seniors....most of whom I have watched grown up for many years, please know that you are all wonderful and unique people and I know that you are all going to do so well in life. I hope you will all stay as close as you are today. I will never forget how you turned my house in to "Mohawk Central" two years in a row...such great memories and I love you all! And finally to you all....thanks for everything, I may not be at all the games come this fall, but my heart will be with you and I will always be a proud Bruin Fan! So for one last time ....... GO BARLOW!!!
bruin fanatic
November 11, 2008
7:29:29 PM

Entry ID: 1504821
go bruins!
The Drew/Wolfe Family
Gresham, OR
September 7, 2008
11:05:00 AM

Entry ID: 1454263
I'd just like to express my appreciation to Peggy Paul and all the Barlow Booster football committee members for pulling off a great home field experience! When I heard Thursday evening that there were power issues and the game was being moved up I thought the whole thing was going to end up a mess. But thanks to these dedicated members, the game went off without a hitch (at least from a spectators point of view) which compelled me to write this note. From someone who has been involved and active in sports event planning and coordinating, my hats off to all, you pulled off a great event!! Our many thanks, The Drew/Wolfe family
Bruin Fan
August 26, 2008
11:56:18 PM

Entry ID: 1447397
Have a grrrrrreat season!
Marion Beatty
August 16, 2008
11:41:04 PM

Entry ID: 1440608
Good Luck this year
Bruin and Bronco Fan
Boring, OR
June 17, 2008
10:06:45 PM

Entry ID: 1405385
Thanks for all the pictures - they are just great. Seeing our Barlow Bruins playing on the blue turf at Bronco Stadium is just a kick! The boys look like they've worked hard, played some, eaten well, and made a pile of memories. Can't wait for football season 2008! Thank you.
Debi Johnson
June 15, 2008
5:40:00 PM

Entry ID: 1403890
Thanks for the GREAT Boise Camp photos! There are some VERY AWESOME pics on there. =) And that's only the FIRST DAY of camp! WOO HOOO Thank you!
December 10, 2007
3:55:28 PM

Entry ID: 1281748
Lets go barlow,You can do it!!! Whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for the lord not for men!!!football
Bruin Fan
Gresham, OR
November 5, 2007
10:39:34 PM

Entry ID: 1250588
Great website! Good luck against South Medford!!
October 24, 2007
10:42:39 PM

Entry ID: 1239323
I like the new look! Very nice.
Bruin Football Parent
Gresham, OR
October 17, 2007
12:10:58 AM

Entry ID: 1232783
Once something gets on the right track and gets going for awhile, people tend to forget how it started and how far it has come. After awhile, we even forget to thank those who continue to volunteer their valuable time, because we get used to having them do the work, our expectations rise, and we end up taking them for granted. Thank you Nancy J, for continuing to take on this huge job of maintaining this website. Thank you also to those who provide material/info to Nancy for the website. Just like a football team, one person can't do it alone. This is a great website; the "visitor counter" proves it. Less than 2 years ago, it read under 1000!!! It is definitely the best in the conference, and it's among the top 10 in Oregon!!!

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Total Entries: 46