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  Sign Our Guestbook

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Total Entries: 41

Posted By Comments
kayan farr
Bull Bay.... St. Andrew
4 November, 2008
2:53:08 PM

Entry ID: 1498655
Corrections....... * through* sweat, tears . Lots of Love .
Kayan Farr
Bull Bay ... St. Andrew
4 November, 2008
2:50:27 PM

Entry ID: 1498649
To the members of the volley ball team... we have many challanges ahead of us. Lots of sweat tears and arguments. Im proud to say i look foward to go throgh all the struggles with y'all . Lots of LOVE to all!!!!
28 October, 2008
1:20:51 PM

Entry ID: 1492650
Just want to big up all the guys invovled in the volleyball program. Love yall and although trainng may be such a pain um sure it will benefit us in the long run :-) peaceee.....
Avaniki Campbell
Durham, North Carolina
7 October, 2008
12:42:15 PM

Entry ID: 1475397
I must say i am very impressed with the wolmers volleyball website. this is my first time veiwing the page and i was blown away at the excellent work that was put in it. Coach you continue to do exordinary things with the wolmers volleyball program and i commend you. Good luck for the new season girls and keep the wolmers volleyball legacy flowing. love you all.
Shannique Chang
30 September, 2008
7:23:12 PM

Entry ID: 1470442
waz up all volleyball ppl just wanted to show some love on the page. big up to everyone.
kayan farr
bull bay
29 September, 2008
7:16:40 PM

Entry ID: 1469456
big up to all my vb team mates . i know sometimes we cant bother with trainin... but hard work alays pays off . Shout out to my neighour for the big up ! Roxanne , Tasha, Maritsan ... hope u guys r doin well.... nuff luv to all
Marvin Crawford
St. Andrew
26 September, 2008
5:35:58 PM

Entry ID: 1467263
Just Bigging up my freind/neighourKayan Farr. Bless up yourself. You Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiffany Willacey
24 September, 2008
10:52:09 PM

Entry ID: 1465855
Hey Tasha, Marits-Ann, Sasha and Roxanne!! Hope u guys doing well where you are, shining like stars {Cuz a suh we do it, like true Wolmerians}. Anyway, Big up to the best schoolaz volleyball team in J.A.,Wolmer's Trust High School For Girls (DDUUUHHH!!!), and to the biggest, baddest coach Mr.Ebanks. We all kno our 8 year, 100% win could not have been possible without him. We will continue this winning streak because it is in our 'wolmerian genes'. Oh, I can't forget the other managers, Big ups!! I think we're doing a good job.
Tasha-Gaye Richards
Durham, North Carolina
21 September, 2008
1:30:21 AM

Entry ID: 1462783
Hi everyone. I hope everything is okay at home. College is a lot of hard work but as a true Jamaican I'm toughing it out. Keep working hard and I am confident that our titles will remain with us (Wolmerians) for the upcoming season. I'll keep up to date with the website. Later!
18 December, 2007
2:16:59 PM

Entry ID: 1289415
OMG a volleyball website this is like so cool. Wolmers as the best volleyball team in Jamaica. We have one of the best volleyball program that is why we are the best. For this season we are going for the big one number 8. That is how great we are winning for 7 straight years. Big up to all wolmers voleyballers greatthings are happening for us. so try and make good use of it all. We a occur as long as Mr Ebanks is here Big up coach
Tasha-Gaye Richards
12 December, 2007
11:48:22 AM

Entry ID: 1283567
This is so nice and I love it. Just to let everyone know we will work hard to keep the title here. This website will keep me posted when I leave Wolmer's even though I hope to always be a part of the volleyball programme here. Mr. Ebanks is a tremendous coach, the best in the world and we are very pleased and honoured to have him as our own. I know sometimes we cause him a lot of stress but he is still by our side. He not only encourages us to do well on court but academically. He has helped to build champions. Continue to support the Wolmer's programme as we strive to continue with our success. Peace out Tasha AKA Tyra!
Janet (Robertson) Kibassa
Dobbs Ferry NY
1 December, 2007
1:41:53 AM

Entry ID: 1273952
This website is a great idea as we will be able to check in to view the team's progress. Mr. Ebanks, You are doing a tremendous job at Wolmer's and should be commended. Visiting the site has brought back pleasurable memories for me while coaching at Wolmer's. Players such as Lisa, Suzette, Shernet, Annie, Andrea, Serita, Kaye-Ann, Tracy-Ann, Ptamony, Keisha, Lisa G. Simone, Susan, Shawna and all the other players that I have not mentioned; I love you all. I remember our bus rides with Miss Lawson, the practice sessions in the pool, aerobics, jumping on the tires to develop leg strength (and it worked), learning the Volleyball positions on the chalkboard (diagrams) & then on the court, the loosing team taking down the net, Miss Robertson chasing you out of the bathroom because you took too long to change etc., etc., etc. all the good stuff. Mr. Ebanks you have done a great job in keeping Wolmer's Girl on top in the Volleyball arena, you are dedicated to the sport and your success is a reflection of that. Congratulations to the young ladies in the team, keep up the good work! Cultivate a good attitude, listen to your coach and you will have great success because he knows the sport very well. Janet K' Coach 1987-1995.
17 October, 2007
9:48:10 AM

Entry ID: 1232875
Hey girls and Mr. Ebanks of course it is the one and only MISERY. I am love the site and i am confident that you girls will do your best. the eigth title is ours to keep. After all it is the MAROON and GOLD we are talking about. as our motto say I am ..... I can..... so whatever u want to achieve u can.
Sue-Ellen Ogle
14 October, 2007
6:50:16 PM

Entry ID: 1230618
HEY GIRLS & Mr.Ebanks :) I love the progress, having a website is huge! I'm so proud,this is a great idea.I'll check back again soon...
Fiona Binns
14 October, 2007
4:56:43 PM

Entry ID: 1230534
Its so wonderful to seethat improvement is on its way, we now have our own website, this is great. I like the idea I'll definately keep posted to this website. On the other hand people you need to check out the team come out and support the Wolmer's Volleyball programme in what ever way you can.
13 October, 2007
8:18:23 PM

Entry ID: 1229981
The Wolmer's Girls Volleyball team works extremely hard the girls stick together through thick and thin.We try very hard to maintain the standards set and paved for us (with me being a previous member of the juniour team I know that its a challenge and year after year we accomplish it)The team knows that much is expected when the MAROON and GOLD steps out on the court.They always try their best as enforced by our very dedicated and devoted coach..They certainly stand by the school's motto : AGE QUOD AGIS..which coinsidentally means whatever you do, do it well...and our very own : I am...I can...which is merely a phrase to boost our self esteem... *!*! Good Luck For The Rest Of Your Battle's Ahead...*!*! ~*~GABBY~*~

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Total Entries: 41