St. Louis Floor Hockey League League Rules
Created January 3, 2011
Revised March 5, 2011
Revised October 10, 2011
Revised September 3, 2014
Revised January 5, 2015
Revised May 1, 2018
Rosters must be completed before standard registration ends; any registrations after that date are subject to an administrative fee added to the registration price.
This league is a MEN'S ONLY league and is competitive in nature.
Rosters must contain a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum of fifteen (15) players.
Teams will not be given their first game until a minimum of 10 players have paid in full. Any player who pays an inappropriate fee is ineligible. Partial payments or payment plans are not accepted.
Players must be dropped or added by the third game of the season. This rule will be strictly enforced by the League Commissioner.
All players are subject to identity verification by league officials. Captains may challenge the identity of a player with a game official. This must be done before the start of the game.
Team sides are made up of 5 players on the floor: Four (4) players plus one (1) goalie.
Top 4 teams will participate in a single elimination tournament at the end of the regular season.
Teams must have four (4) players, including a goalie present to start a game.
Players must wear their league issued shirts while playing. If you fail to bring your issued jersey you are subject to a 5$ fine that must be paid before playing. No exceptions.
Any player who is under the age of eighteen (18) by the first day of the season is ineligible to play.
A team may have an unrostered substitute player for a fee of $10.00 due before the start of the
game. Substitutions are not allowed during playoffs unless permission has been granted by the league commissioner.
Standard hockey sticks are permitted as long as they are taped. Ask before buying if you are not sure.
Only regulation goalie sticks allowed. Goalies must wear unaltered face shields.
Sneakers must be worn by all participants. No black soles.
Goalie pads are not to exceed 12 inches in width, and if foam, must be covered. If a team wishes, the referee will measure the pads at anytime during the games.
Any illegal equipment will result in a two (2) minute penalty and the equipment cannot be used.
No protective equipment can have any exposed metal, fiberglass, sharp edges, or be designed that injury to the other players may occur. No player can play in a cast.
Protective eyewear is provided by the league and highly recommended.
Protective gear including mouth guards, protective cups, shin guards and gloves should be worn but are not required.
A floor hockey ball will be provided by the league.
Referees will make all decisions on equipment legality.
Gym dimensions at The Salvation Army in Maplewood are: 80ft L x 50ft W
Net size will be official NHL size.
If the ball travels into the spectator area or is touched in play by a spectator, the referee will call the play dead and follow with a face off. If a ball lands on top of a goal, play will be stopped.
Designated penalty areas will be marked. Penalized players must remain in the area until the penalty time has expired.
No smoking in the building.
Any players under the influence of alcohol or any intoxicant will be asked to leave the building.
The venue forbids any alcohol containers even in the parking lot. Teams can be penalized for violating this rule.
There will be three (3) fifteen (15) minute periods. The clock will be stopped for penalties and injuries. During penalties, the penalty clock will stop for all whistles but the game clock will continue. If one team is two (2) or more goals ahead, the clock will continue for the last three(3) minutes of the game.
If time permits, there will be a five (5) minute warm-up period.
Forfeit times will be 5 minutes after the scheduled start of the game. Any team that forfeits two or more times a season is subject to being dropped from the league. Your game official has discretion in this matter.
There will be a 2 minute break between periods, if time permits.
Each team must have at least four (4) players to start a game and at least three (3) players on the floor at all times except for penalty play. If the team has less than three (3) players during a game, a forfeit will be immediately awarded to their opponents.
Games may be canceled by the league for extenuating circumstances. Such incidents may include but not limited to the following: heavy snow or ice, prior gym commitments, etc.
Play will be halted if a player is injured.
There will be an eight (8) goal end of second period mercy rule.
Each team is allowed one (1) time out lasting no longer than 1 minute per game.
The hockey ball must completely cross the goal line before the whistle to be considered a goal.
The official must verify all goals. (Judgment by the Official)
Each goal shall count as one point.
The referee shall award a goal if the goalie has possession and falls back into the net. Goals Will Not Be Counted if:
If stick is raised above the waist level with an opponent within five (5) feet.
If hockey ball is kicked in. (By an offensive player)
If the puck is batted in by hand. (By an offensive player)
A face-off shall be utilized to begin each period and to resume play after each stoppage of play.
At the beginning of each period and following scores, the face-off shall be at mid-court. In addition, if an official inadvertently blows a whistle, play is halted and resumed by a face-off at mid-court.
Both hands must be placed on the stick shaft and blade on the floor.
No movement is allowed on face-offs until the ball is dropped.
Intentional distractions during face-offs will be treated as a delay of game.
Face-off players must have their head behind the puck.
All players must be on their defensive end of the floor during face-offs.
Face-off player’s sticks must be on the floor immediately when directed by the referee.
If a player jumps prior to the puck being dropped or improperly lines up on a face-off twice, he is automatically whistled out of the face-off.
Face-offs will occur in the penalized teams’ defensive zone.
Face-offs will be taken at the closest point to where the puck is shot from. If the puck is deflected, then it will be placed where it went out of play.
Players may not make a shot attempt from the face-off.
Stepping in or making body contact during the face-off and may be deemed roughing by the official.
Ball Movement and Shooting:
The ball may be advanced by use of the stick or by kicking it.
Hands may be used to stop the ball if the ball is hit by that player or opposing team. Players cannot close their hand on the ball. If this occurs, the face-off goes to the defensive end and may be judged a penalty for delay of game. Only the goalie is allowed to hold the ball in the crease. Any other player who holds the ball to stop the play will be charged with a two (2) minute delay of game penalty.
Shots may be taken by shooting or deflecting the ball with the stick when the stick is located below the waist. Shots which bounce off a player and into the goal shall be legal scores, as long as the contact with the person is accidental.
One handed shots and golf shots (hands together on the stick) will not be allowed and are subject to penalty or suspension.
The referee may award a penalty if he feels a player is taking slap shots that are not in control and may injure others. The stick must be in control on all shots.
A ball is frozen when the referee loses sight of it. A player may freeze a ball only when a defensive player is contesting for control of the puck.
If the ball is shot intentionally out of play by the goalie, the referee will call a delay of game penalty.
Broken sticks must be dropped immediately and not used in any play. A broken stick will result in a stoppage of play. Exception: Goalie.
When the goalie catches the puck, he may hold it no longer than two (2) seconds (official’s discretion) to have it remain in play. If the puck is held longer than two (2) seconds, a face-off shall be called to the side of the net where stoppage occurred.
After catching the ball, the goalie may keep it alive by throwing the puck to either side of his goal, but not forward toward the opposing goal. The goalie may also drop the ball to the floor and hit it in any direction with his stick.
Goalies are subject to all penalties which are to be served by a teammate. That team shall play shorthanded in accordance with the rules.
An automatic goal shall be awarded if a defensive player throws a stick to prevent the ball from entering the open net.
A penalty shot is to be awarded if a player is on a clear break away and is prevented from doing so by an opponent tripping.
Penalty Shot:
A. All players except the goalie and player attempting the shot must move to the other end of the gym. The ball shall be placed at the center of the court and on the whistle the player may shoot or move toward the goalie. Once the player shoots loses control or retreats, their penalty shot has ended. A face-off at center court to resumes play.
General Player Conduct:
Both hands must be kept on the stick while shooting.
The stick shall be determined part of the person and violations of the stick shall be penalized as though directed to a person. There shall be no body checking. Only accidental and/or incidental contact shall be permitted. Some contact should be anticipated when eight players and two officials are placed in a confined area. However, any heavy contact shall not be tolerated and will result in a penalty. This includes play in front of the net.
Free substitutions shall be allowed without stoppage of play. However, the player entering the game during live action must not gain an advantage by becoming part of the play before the player leaving the game is clearly out of play. Players must enter or exit from their side of the floor and not near the center table.
Major Violations – At least five (5) minutes to the player and team shorthanded for the entire penalty, intentional boarding, roughing, spearing, deliberate high sticks, verbal abuse of the referee and venue staff and equipment are all considered majors and may result in suspension.
Minor Violations – Two (2) minutes to the player with team resuming full strength after a goal or end of penalty. No hooking, slashing, holding, elbowing, interference, entering the crease, too many men on the floor, tripping or taunting opponents. Two minutes a player playing with illegal equipment.
Game Misconduct- Ejection from the game and building with the original penalty time being served by the team.
If a player who is not in the game intentionally touches a ball while in play, he shall incur a minor penalty for delay of game.
Intent to Injure results in a game misconduct and at least a one (1) game suspension.
Any player charged with fighting shall be ejected from the game, and subject to at least a 1 game suspension. The officials shall report all such incidents to the league commissioner. The player has the right to appeal this decision within 48hrs of the incident.
General misconduct (taunting, or verbal abuse toward players, officials, or spectators) shall be subject to a player and/or a team`s expulsion from the league. Any player found guilty of verbal abuse toward an official will be suspended at least one game depending upon the situation. The league commissioner`s decision will stand without ability to appeal.
3 penalties/game – player is suspended for the rest of the game. The official at his or her discretion can suspend the player for the additional game. The official must notify the captain or his designee of the suspension. The player must leave the venue. Teams are responsible for immediate removal of the ejected player.
Only the captain may question calls in a courteous manner. The captain has the right to question an official’s call or an illegal player on the other team. They MUST address the call immediately after the official blows the play dead. Captains who abuse this policy can be issued a penalty (delay of game).
Penalized players must go directly to the designated box – failure to do so is automatic misconduct.
If a goal is scored by a team with a man advantage, the player serving a minor penalty may rejoin play. Players must serve the entire five (5) minutes for a major penalty.
A team will play two (2) men short if a second penalty arises.
The referee may at any time suspend a game if he feels the potential for injury is great. The game is suspended; the players must immediately vacate the venue. The captains and referee will each write their version of the game at the time within 48hrs to The league commissioner will review the accounts and render a final decision.
Anyone leaving the bench during any altercation (whether they become involved or not) shall be assessed a major, a game misconduct, and at least a one (1) game suspension. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Teams will be allowed only six (5) total penalties for the entire game. This includes minors, majors, bench infractions, and misconducts. On the tenth (6) penalty, that team will be required to forfeit the game.
At the officials discretion swearing can be prohibited. The offending players can be issued a minor Players who us terms that can be considered hate oriented based on race, religion, sexual orientation, and or disability towards a player or official is subject to a minimum 2 game suspension. The commissioner can exercise his authority to expel the player in this matter.
Individual per player penalties are logged cumulatively during the season. After the ninth (9) penalty acquired during the season, the player is on probation determined by the league commissioner. At the time the player receives the ninth (9) penalty, the player is no longer permitted to play that night and must leave the playing venue. Upon returning from probation, that player is only permitted to receive three (3) additional penalties. Upon receiving the twelfth (12) penalty, the player is no longer permitted to play, must leave the playing venue, and is expelled from the league at the league commissioner’s discretion. In addition, the league commissioner reserves the right to deny or scrutinize any future registrations to play with St. Louis Floor Hockey League.
Minimum game suspension assessed to players for game misconduct penalties:
Fighting: 2 Games, Possible Season Suspension
Roughing Major: 1 Game
Verbal Abuse of Referees or Venue Staff: 1 Game Min.
Abuse of league equipment or venue property: 2 Games. Possible Season Suspension
Failure to Control Players or Fans: Possible Team Forfeit
Second offense of three penalties/game: 2 Games
Leaving the Bench during an Altercation: Game ejection. 1 Games Suspension
Protest Procedure:
The captain must verbally lodge his intention of protesting the game immediately after the referee`s decision. After discussing the issue with the official, the captain has the right to call the league commissioner into action.
After the game, the captain and the referee will also write their version of the call in question and submit it to the league commissioner.
The league commissioner’s decision is final.
One (1) official will be on the floor. One scorekeeper will operate the clock, maintain penalty timer and score. The scorekeeper may also make calls and can determine if a goal was made.
Any physical contact with the official or scorekeeper will result in permanent expulsion from the league. The offending person is also subject to criminal charges depending on local laws. The league will prosecute.
Single Elimination Playoffs as follows:
League Commissioner will announce playoff structure on or before the 3rd week of play. We like to structure the playoffs dependent on the number of teams that sign up so we can maximize participation.
Tie Breakers:
Head-to-Head Record: Most wins amongst tied teams
Goal Differential: Amongst tied teams.
Commissioners Notes
The league commissioner reserves the right to add, remove, or change any rule without notice to make the game a more enjoyable experience. An effort will be made to notify the league participants of any rule changes in a reasonable timeframe.
The league commissioner reserves the right to refuse registration to any single person, team, or organization with or without cause.