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3 on 3 Caledon Hockey League

May 27, 2019 – 07:00 PM






3 on 3 Summer Hockey League for 2019

Our proposed 2019 schedule is as follows. Please note that a more detailed schedule will be posted as we get closer to our first game and all divisions can and probably will change dates at this point to accommodate other sports that night.




Tentative 2019 AGE GROUPS



ATOM 08/09

PEEWEE 06/07

BANTAM 04/05

MIDGET/JUV 99/00/01/02/03




AUGUST 2018 - SEPTEMBER 2018  -   $300

OCTOBER 2018 - DECEMBER 2018  -  $350

JANUARY 2019 - APRIL 2019          -  $400

AFTER APRIL 31st 2019                 - $450

3 on 3 Summer Hockey League

3 on 3 youth summer hockey league right here in Caledon ! This league will feature divisions in Tyke/Novice, Minor Atom/Atom, Minor Peewee/Peewee, Minor Bantam/Bantam and possible Midget/Juvenille and will have space for both boys and girls !







15-15-15 run time



Questions ?

Can my son/daughter play with their friend(s)?
Yes. Please fill in the "Teammate Request" field on the registration form. We will make every effort to accommodate your request but it cannot be guaranteed.

My child has never played 3 on 3, what are the rules?
3 on 3 is best described as 'organized pond-hockey'. The referees are very vocal and will assist the players on the ice. Please review our rules on this website.

Can I volunteer to coach or assist on the bench?
Absolutely. Please add your comments to the registration form with your interest to help your son/daughter’s team. You will be contacted with details.

What level is the hockey?
We accept all levels of players and offer divisions to suit. We offer 1 division with minor/major included and both boys and girls can play on the same team. Both Rep and House League players are mixed together to form a balanced team.

Are the divisions rebalanced?
Yes. After a few games, depending on their record and performance. Players may be reassigned as last resort to complete the competitive balance.

I can’t commit every week, do you need reserve players? If so, what’s the cost?
Due to insurance issues, only goalies may be used as reserves for emergencies. Please submit the online form to add your name to our ‘spare goalie list’ at no cost.

I submitted the online form and received a confirmation, but haven’t heard from a coach?
Not to worry; your payment assures your spot. All players will be contacted after the mid-April coaches meetings via email and/or phone call from your coach. Team lists will also be posted on our website at that time.

Caledon East Arena
We cannot have stacked teams so you must have a mix of house league and rep players.  Only goalies can be non-registered substitues all players must be registered with the league and of that age group. You may however borrow from another team at that age group to avoid a forfeit.

Everything You Need to Know . . .

Get the details here including fees, location, tentative schedules and more.

The league will include 11 gauranteed games played (dates and times yet to be determined) and at least 1 playoff game as all teams make the playoffs. (1 Exhibition, 9 Regular Games, 1 Playoff)

Caledon East Arena 
6215 Old Church Rd.
Caledon East, ON L7C1G6

Register a player as an Individual Player and we will assign the player to a team based on the birth date and ability information you provide on the form. If the player wishes to be assigned to the same team as a friend, they can indicate the friend's name in the Teammate Request field.

You should register as an Individual for an Already Registered Team if you are part of a Team Entry and your coach has provided you with a team code.

You will be asked to provide the player's birthdate and current level of hockey played (eg. house league or rep, AAA, A, red, white).

We use this information to assign players and teams to an appropriate division in our effort to keep the teams balanced and competitive. If you are unable to decide on a division, please call or e-mail us for assistance. Providing accurate and complete information makes it much less likely that your player or team will be moved during rebalancing.

For other helpful information, please check out Rules of Play !

Registration will NOT be complete until Cash or Cheque is recieved ! !

Make Cheque Payable to :

BluePrint Hockey School

23 Tanzini Dr., Bolton, Ontario. L7E2J1

The BluePrint Hockey is a proud affiliate of the following bodies of hockey

BluePrint Hockey School

3 on 3 Hockey Spring League
Rules & Regulations
**UPDATED AS OF April 8th, 2015**
In addition to the Rules of Play below, please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

Section One: Governing Play
(a) All CHA rules are in effect unless otherwise stated.
(b) The President has final authority concerning all rules and regulations including, but not limited to, suspensions, expulsions and general discretion of conduct.

Section Two: Teams
(a) Only registered players on team rosters or waiting list may play (see Section Three).
(b) A team shall be composed of seven to twelve (7-12) skaters and one (1) goalie; no Rep players are permitted to play in the House League division, unless the league does not offer specific Rep or House League divisions.
(c) Teams must start the game with a minimum seven (7) players ie. 6 skaters and a goalie; or they forfeit the game and points.
(d) Each team will play with four (4) players on the ice. three (3) skaters and one (1) Goalie
(e) Any period during the game, a team trailing by four (4) or more goals will be allowed to ice one (1) additional skater and if a team is trailing by five (5) goals a team will be allowed to ice two (2) additional skaters for the remainder of the game or until the goal differential is less than 5. If the goal differential drops to 4 the team will go back to four (4) skater and if the goal differential drops to 3 the team will revert back to three (3) skaters. Shifts of 3, 4, 5 skaters remain intact for the duration of the shift regardless of the goal differentials during the shift; meaning players do not change during the shift if goals are scored.
(f) Team Entries, as absolute last resort for competitive balance, may be subject to roster adjustments when the league rebalances. (g) If a Team is short and does NOT have enough of there *OWN* team players at game time that team will forfeit the game but can borrow some players from another team same division to play the game for fun and no points. If the Team has there minimum (6) six skaters and (1) Goalie and would like to borrow a few players from another team from that division, (The Convenyor will decide which players will be chosen and NOT THE COACH, to keep the competitive balance of the game)

Section Three: Replacements & Reserves
(a) Notification must be given to the Convenor and/or opponent and all parties must agree upon prior to the use of Replacements. Failure to give proper notification may result in forfeiture and possible suspension.
(b) Teams must use other registered players from existing teams or waiting list (if available) from your division or lower. A team borrowing from their opponent is deemed to have forfeited.
(c) Teams can use up to three (3) reserve players in any game; ie. 2 skaters and a goalie.
(d) Replacement players may only be used for emergencies and must come from within the league to meet the minimum, not to fill the benches unless approved by Convenor and/or opponent.
(e) Unregistered players may NOT be used for any reason.

Section Four: Rules of Play
(a) All games will be NON-BODYCHECKING.
(b) All games will be 3-fifteen minute running time periods.
(c) Face-offs will occur only at the beginning of each period or in case of coincidental penalties (see Minor Penalties).
(d) When play is stopped due to the goalie controlling the puck or a goal was scored, a whistle will signal the attacking players to vacate the zone. Once all the attackers have exited the zone, the players may re-enter to resume play immediately. They may not challenge the opposition until they have all exited the zone. Attacking prematurely may result in a penalty for the offending team.
(e) There is no centre-ice (red) line, and therefore no icing calls or offside passes.
(f) All offside plays at the blueline will be deemed delayed offside and the referee will call for the offending players to release the puck and exit the zone. Once all the offending players have exited the zone together, they may re-enter the offensive zone. (g) Scoring – A (4) four goals per game rule is in effect. No individual player can score more than (4) four goals in any game. Timekeepers will track all scorers and keep track of player numbers in the timekeeper’s box. If a player scores a 4th goal in any game, the goal will not count. i) When a player has reached his (4) four goals in any game the timekeeper will notify the bench any succeeding goals by that player will no longer count and will not be added in the stats or on the scoreboard. If that player is awarded a penalty shot - he must still take the awarded shot but if he scores the goal will not count.
(h) Teams do not switch ends after each period.

Section Five: Shifts
(a) Player shifts will be one (1) minute in length. A buzzer will run to signal the end of each shift.
(b) Bench doors MUST remain closed until the sound of the buzzer.
(c) Once the buzzer sounds, players must relinquish control of the puck immediately and proceed to touch the boards at the bench. The new players may then enter onto the ice surface immediately after all 3 players are touching the boards in between doors with there sticks.
(d) In the case of a shortened bench due to injury or ejection(s), at the sound of the buzzer all players must make contact with the bench boards; the double-shifted player(s) may then rejoin the action after having touched the bench boards. (i)THIS IS A FUN LEAGUE, AT NO TIME IS THERE A REASON TO BE DOUBLE SHIFTING ANY PLAYER UNLESS INJURY LEAVES YOU BELOW 6 PLAYERS AT THAT POINT IN THE GAME, OTHER THEN THAT DOUBLE SHIFTING OR NOT SENDING OUT THE NEXT 3 PLAYERS IN LINE, THERE WILL FIRST BE A WARNING ISSUED AND THEN THE SECOND TIME YOU WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE. THIS LEAGUE IS FOR THE KIDS TO PLAY NOT TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS WITH STRATEGY !
(e) Failure to immediately relinquish control of the puck at the sound of the buzzer or new players entering the ice surface prematurely may result in a penalty (see Minor Penalties) for the offending team. (GOALIES MAY PLAY THE PUCK IF THEY WISH DURING THIS TRANSITION)
(f) At any time a penalty is issued by the referee, the clock will be stopped so the penalty shot can be taken, once the shot is taken the clock will restart immediately regardless of goal or no goal.
(g) In the absence of a goaltender, teams will play with four (4) skaters. The fourth skater may not exit their zone except to change or in the last shift of the game. Fourth skaters are not required to change on the buzzer and can change at any time but cannot be substituted for a goalie if a goalie exists.

Section Six: Minor Penalties
(a) All penalties will result in an immediate breakaway situation for the offended player. The referee will place the puck on the centre face-off spot and the remaining players will line up, stationary, on the backside blueline. Play will commence on the referee’s command and the shift resumes as normal. If the offended player is injured and unable to perform the breakaway, the coach will assign one (1) player from the ice to replace that player.
(b) Coincidental penalties shall result in a faceoff at centre ice.
(c) Any player having been assessed three (3) minor penalties in the same game will be automatically ejected from that game.
i. Players ejected with five (5) minutes left to play in the game shall be assessed a further game misconduct.
ii. If a player is ejected during a second game under the same circumstances as (c) that player will be served a further one (1) game suspension.
iii. A third ejection will result in a disciplinary hearing with the Convenor for further suspension or possible expulsion from the league.
(d) Body checking penalties will be deemed as two (2) offences on the score sheet only. Two (2) body checking penalties in the same game will result in the immediate ejection from that game plus a further game misconduct.
(e) If there is a delayed penalty and the offended team scores, the penalty is still recorded to the timekeeper.

Section Seven: Major Penalties
(a) Major penalties will result in the immediate ejection of the offending player(s) and suspension pending further review by the Convenor.
(b) Fighting majors will result in the penalized players being expelled from the league indefinitely pending further review by the Convenor.

Section Eight: Coaches, Managers
(a) Up to (3) three coaches, assistants or trainers may be on the benches. All bench personnel must be a minimum 21 years of age and registered with the league.
(b) Coaches are required to ensure EQUAL ICE TIME for all 3 on 3 participants and there is to be no shortening of the bench.
(c) Any bench personnel having been ejected from a game, for any reason, will be automatically suspended for a minimum 2 games and subject to further review for possible expulsion from the league. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR, CONDUCT OR LANGUAGE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and either parents, coaches or players will be up to and including ejection from the league with no refund.