Wayland Dirt Dawgs 2022- What's New?

  • There are 6 baseball teams for 2022- 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, and 17U.
  • Our baseball coaches this year are: 9U- Robby Larsen, 10U- Matt Offringa, 11U- Mark Musgrave, 12U- Chris Kincaid, 13U- Joe Borgic, 17U- Aaron Steensma
  • The Dirt Dawgs will not be hosting a Battle at the Dawg Pound tournament this year. 
  • 12U tournaments include: Battle for the West, Husky Blo    wout Bash, Game Day Stars and Stripes, Game Day USA, Grand Haven Classic, and the Cal Ripken Experience in Myrtle Beach
  • 13U tournaments include: Rivalry at the River, Jenison Memorial Day, Rumble in the Rapids, BATL for the Ring, Game Day Silver Series, Chin Music Tournament


  • My child is interested in playing for the Dirt Dawgs- how do they sign up?
    • Tryouts are on the following dates/times.
    • Please register before attending HERE 
  • How do I know which age level my child is trying out for? There is an age calculator on the USSSA website at this link: http://www.usssa.com/BASEBALL/AGECALCULATOR

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Dirt Dawgs Tryout Information:

It's Wayland Dirt Dawgs Tryout Time!
Please fill-out the following registration form prior to attending your player's tryout date: https://forms.gle/eNfwLoPPZMDkT3Qt9
Times and dates are as follows:
9u and 10u tryouts: August 1st, 6-8pm, Hilliards Field
11u tryouts: August 2nd, 6-8pm, Hilliards Field
12u and 13u tryouts: July 27th and August 3rd, 6-8pm at the Hilliards Field
14u tryouts: attend July 30th OR July 31st, 6:30-8, Wayland JV Field
15u tryouts: attend August 7th OR August 12th, 6-8pm, Wayland JV Field
Hope to see you there!
If you have any questions, please send a private message or email waylanddirtdawgsinfo@gmail.com


Have Questions?

Feel free to email: waylanddirtdawgsinfo@gmail.com