Bulletin Board
Subscribe to our NewsletterBoard Members 2016-2017 School Year
Board members for the 2016-2017 school year are listed below. Great to have so many volunteers!
President - Lisa Klimek
Vice President - Debi Farsalas
Secretary - Debra Marton
Treasure - Nathalie Berthelot
Sabrewear - Debi Farsalas / Pam Graham
Concessions - Anna Lindahl
Webmaster - Keith Wehnert
Special Events Coordinator - Debra Marton
Athletic Director - Mark Orszula
Lots of great ideas and energy for the coming school year.
The Boosters can use all the help that parents and other volunteers are willing to provide. Please consider joining the Boosters. Contact any of the board members to join or just to help out.