Meeting Minutes
Subscribe to our NewsletterJuly 2015 Streamwood Booster Club Meeting Minutes
July 13, 2015 Booster Club Meeting Minutes
- Meeting started 6:35 PM
Attendance: Nick Baird, Lazlo Martone, Tami Proberts, Debbie Martone, Debi Farsalas, Anna Lindhal, Ariel Correa, Lisa Klimek, Yvette Gonzalez, Dennis Mayburn, Linda Holland, Lana McCray, Mark Orszula
Dr. Ariel Correa.
Dr. Correaspoke about having one booster organization for the entire school.
Streamwood Celebration
July 16th Info to Village Hall - List of volunteers by 7/16
Handing out samples of Galen Garlic
List of activity start date to handout
Freeze Pops .50, popsicles 1, frozen fruit bars 2
Review volunteers
Storing supplies at Lisa’s house
Items need: scissors, freezer from gym.
Laminated sign - Athletic Office
Inventory - 210 boxes frozen fruit 24 each, 3000 freeze pops, 500 popsicles
Restaurant Depot - Lazlo
Indoor Spirit Wear Closet
Order new items
Concession Stand
Black and Gold Thursday 8/20, first game is Friday 8/28
Menu: Address at next meeting August 4
Sam’s Card
Coffee pot
Community Exposure
Obtain maybe bumper stickers or something small
Upstate 8 CC Conference Tournament October 17
Next Meeting August 4 @ 6:30. Library
Anything for the good of the cause
Meeting adjourned. 9:14 PM
To Do Items for Members Present:
- Breakdown of fall events (flyer) - Yvette
- Contact school activity sponsors - Yvette and Tami
- Choir Bar BBQ Date - Tami
- Full list of school events to Linda - Mark
- Scissors, pens, and clipboards for Streamwood celebration - Dennis
- Let Natalie know dollar amounts for cash box - D’Lana
- Put together cash box - Natalie
- Tablecloths and balloons for Streamwood Celebration - Anna and D Lana
- Popsicle, freeze pops, and frozen fruit bars - D’Lana and Anna
- Get word out about Sept 8th meeting - Everyone
- Move booster meeting to library - Mark
- Business plan and marketing plan - Debi Farsala, Debbi Martone, Yvette Gonzalez, and Ariel Correa (completed by Sept. 8)
- Galena Garlic fundraiser - Lisa, Linda, and Ariel
- Freezers to Lisas- Mark and Aaron
- Dlana 2xl shirt - Mark
- Locking and unlocking fence - Ariel
- Concessions keys -Mark
June 2015 Streamwood Booster Club Meeting Minutes
June 2015 Streamwood Booster Club Meeting Minutes
- Meeting started at 6:45 PM
- In attendance: Lisa Klimek, Debi Farsalas, Lana McCray, Linda Holland, and Mark Orszula
- Streamwood Celebrations
- Items Selling: freeze pops .50, popsicle 1, fruit bars 2
- Purchase a week before
- Storing supplies at Lisa's house
- Items need: scissors, freezer from the gym (leave at fest overnight)
- Flyers for home games at fest (pocket schedules) (Booster website)
- Football (Cheer and Poms)
- Laminated sign done by athletic office
- Bring to next meeting, put website on Sign
- Concession Stand Protocol
- Inventory
- Keys
- Menu
- (Black and Gold scrimmage is a Thursday 8/20, First game is a Friday 8/28)
- Sam’s Card
- Coffee Pot
- Protocol for proposing booster events or purchasing products
- In the future any new product or services needs to be presented at the booster meeting
- Booster led events (Parent volunteers)
- Spirit Wear
- Redoing Inventory
- Items ordering
- Rummage Sale
- Student Representative
- Meet the new Principal
- Next meeting: July 13 @ 6:30 PM
- Anything else for the good of the cause
Meeting adjourned at 9:02 PM