This is our elite 1000 Point Club

Taylor Burt – 2789 (2000-2006) 

+ Lanie Henderson is at 1553                       

Amanda Crane – 1524 (2001-2003)*

Emily Langley – 1454 (2011-2016)

Ashley Beck – 1434 (2003-2007) 

Kirby DeBoard – 1373 (2015-2019)

Madison McCullough – 1264 (2011-16)                    

Lauren Bell – 1091 (2005-2009)

Tracy Hurtt – 1059 (1994-1999)        

Kynleigh Chesnut – 1003 (2016-2020)   


We play about 30 games per year, we should have more players to step up and make this club.

You want to be a better basketball player, you need to work on specific skills. You need to follow a program and work out hard on your own, as well as in practice. Follow this great workout 2-3 times per week and you will be amazed at the improvement in your ball-handling skills. Perform this workout with intensity and dedication ... do not take it easy!!

Non Dribbling In Place:
1. Ball Slaps
2. Outstretched Arms (elbows locked) pat ball back and forth on finger tips
3. Right Leg Circles
4. Reversed Right Leg Circles (go the opposite way)
5. Left Leg Circles
6. Reversed Left Leg Circles (go the opposite way)
7. Figure Eight
8. Reversed Figure Eight (go the opposite way)
9. Double Flip (hold the ball with two hands in front and then drop the ball and catch it with
two hands in back before it hits the ground)
10. Single Flip (hold the ball with one hand in front and one in back, drop the ball and reverse
hand positions and catch the ball before it hits the ground)
11. Single Flip / Double Flip (alternating)
12. Figure Eight Around the Ankles Double Flip

Dribbling In Place:

1. Right Hand High Dribble then Slam Down Low (looking over your left shoulder)
2. Left Hand High Dribble then Slam Down Low (looking over your right shoulder)
3. Side to Side Right Hand
4. Side to Side Left Hand
5. Front to Back Left Hand
6. Front to Back Right Hand
7. Side to Side Left Hand Behind the Back
8. Side to Side Right Hand Behind the Back
9. Crossover Dribble Left to Right in Place
10. Dribble Around Right Leg
11. Dribble Around Left Leg
12. Figure Eight Dribble with Right Hand Only
13. Figure Eight Dribble with Left Hand Only
14. Spider Dribble (two taps in front, two taps in back...)
15. Scissors Dribble (between legs in place)

Five-Spot Shooting
Make five shots (or 1 minute) from each of the five spots
Go around and back- Make a total of 50 shots
All shots should be in the 10-15 foot range
Five-Spot Shooting With a One Dribble Pull-up
Make sure you show the ball and extend the dribble
Go around and back- Make a total of 50 shots
All shots should be in the 5-10 foot range

Now you have just made 100 shots to start off your workout, Now shoot 15 foul shots
Jump Stop Drill
Place a chair just inside of the foul line/elbow
2 minutes from the right side- 2 minutes from the left side
Attack the chair from the wing- jump stop over the chair- shoot the 7-10 footer
Purpose is to cover ground on your jump stop and is great for conditioning
Shoot 15 Foul Shots

Change of Direction Ballhandling While Finishing at the Rim
Make sure you use a chair (or any obstacle) to serve as your defender
Place the chair just outside of the elbow
Start at half court- you don’t want to cheat yourself
Finish everything with a jump-stop at the rim
The two major ways to improve through this drill is your hesitation and the ability to cover ground
Start on the Right Side of the Court at Half Court- Make 5 shots with each move
Hesitation dribble- finish with jump-stop at the rim
In and out dribble- finish with jump-stop at the rim
Crossover into the right hand- finish with jump-stop at the rim
Spin dribble into the right hand- finish with jump-stop at the rim
Behind the back into the right hand- finish with jump-stop at the rim
Shoot 15 Foul Shots
Start on the Left Side of the Court at Half Court- Make 5 shots with each move
Hesitation dribble- finish with jump-stop at the rim
In and out dribble- finish with jump-stop at the rim
Crossover into the left hand- finish with jump-stop at the rim
Spin dribble into the left hand- finish with jump-stop at the rim
Behind the back into the left hand- finish with jump-stop at the rim
Shoot 15 Foul Shots
Change of Direction Ballhandling- Double-Moves While Finishing at the Rim
Make sure you use a chair (or any obstacle) to serve as your defender
Place the chairs at the 3-point line and just outside of the elbow
Start at half court- you don’t want to cheat yourself
Finish everything with a jump-stop at the rim
The two major ways to improve through this drill is your hesitation and the ability to cover ground
Start on the Right Side of the Court at Half Court- Make 5 shots with each move
Hesitation dribble- in and out move- finish with jump stop at the rim
Crossover into the right hand- spin move into the middle of the lane- finish with jump stop at the rim
Behind the back- crossover into the right hand- finish with jump stop at the rim
In and out move- crossover into the middle of the lane- finish with jump stop at the rim
Hesitation dribble- spin move into the middle of the lane- finish with jump stop at the rim
Crossover into the middle of the lane- behind the back to the right hand- finish with jump
stop at the rim
Behind the back to the right hand- hesitation dribble- finish with jump stop at the rim
Shoot 15 Foul Shots
Start on the Left Side of the Court at Half Court- Make 5 shots with each move
Hesitation dribble- in and out move- finish with jump stop at the rim
Crossover into the left hand- spin move into the middle of the lane- finish with jump stop at the ri
Behind the back- crossover into the left hand- finish with jump stop at the rim
In and out move- crossover into the middle of the lane- finish with jump stop at the rim
Hesitation dribble- spin move into the middle of the lane- finish with jump stop at the rim
Crossover into the middle of the lane- behind the back to the left hand- finish with jump stop at the rim
Behind the back to the left hand- hesitation dribble- finish with jump stop at the rim
Shoot 15 Foul Shots
Change of Direction Ballhandling- Double-Moves While Finishing With a

Jump Shot
Repeat the last two sets of drills exactly but instead of a jump stop at the rim you pull-up for a jump shot at the second chair
Move the chairs back 2-3 feet and continue to start at half court
Make 5 shots with each move and then switch to the other hand
Shoot 15 Foul Shots
How to Read The Screen’s
Take 3 chairs and put them parallel through the lane so one is in the middle of the lane, one is on the right side of the court, and one is on the left side of the court- the chairs should be no more than 5-7 feet from the rim
This drill is a time drill- two minutes on the clock
Passer is at the top of the key between half court and the 3-point line
Rules are that you can not come off the screen the same way twice in a row- there are three ways to come off the screen- Straight, Curl, and Flair- and you must call out how you are coming off the screen
After you shoot you return back to the baseline and go off another screen
Start Out Underneath the Rim Moving Side-To-Side (only a foot or two)
First two minutes are direct jump shots
Second two minutes are one dribble pull-ups- remember show that ball and cover ground
Third two minutes are two dribble pull-ups- remember show that ball and cover ground
Fourth two minutes are one dribble step-off move for the jump shot
Fifth two minutes are one dribble step-off move into a hesitation and go- finish at the rim
Shoot 15 Foul Shots
Five-Spot Shooting From 3-Point Land
Make five shots (or 2 minutes) from each of the five spots
Go around and back- Make a total of 50 shots
Five-Spot Shooting From 3-Point Land With a One Dribble Pull-up
Make sure you show the ball and extend the dribble
Go around and back- Make a total of 50 shots
Shoot 25 Foul Shots

Ball Slaps/Mikan’s/Taps
2 minutes each
Five-Spot Shooting
Make five shots (or 1 1/2 minutes) from each of the five spots
Go around and back-Make a total of 50 shots
All shots should be in the 5-10 foot range
Shoot 15 Foul Shots

This is a time drill- 30 seconds- go from one drill to the next- repeat the series 3 times
Jumping Drill- Place your feet together and jump on the balls of your feet-moving left to right
Toe-Touch Drill- Place your feet apart and jump upward and touch your toes
Heel-Touch Drill- Place your feet apart and jump upward and touch your heels
Hell and Toe-Touch Drill-Place your feet apart and jump upward and alternate touching your heel's and toes.
Shoot 15 Foul Shots
Drop Step Moves
Make five shots off of each move
First start on the right side with the right hand and after all the moves are completed move to the left side with the left hand.
Always have a strong base in the post-established position and feel the defender.
Drop step power dribble to the outside of the paint- straight up lay-up or dunk.
Drop step power dribble to the inside of the paint- straight up lay-up or dunk.
Drop step power dribble to the outside of the paint- jump hook
Drop step power dribble to the inside of the paint- jump hook
Drop step power dribble to the outside of the paint- ball fake- straight up lay-up or dunk
Drop step power dribble to the inside of the paint- ball fake- straight up lay-up or dunk
Drop step power dribble to the outside of the paint- up and under move
Drop step power dribble to the inside of the paint- up and under move
Shoot 15 Foul Shots
Back to the Basket Moves Without the Drop Step
Make five shots off of each move
First start on the right side with the right hand and after all the moves are completed move to the left side with the left hand.
Always have a strong base in the post- establish position- gather yourself and feel the defender.
Catch the ball- feel the defender- jump hook.
Catch the ball- feel the defender- crab move.
Catch the ball- feel the defender- turn and face- ball fake- one dribble- attack the rim

Shoot 15 Foul Shots

Back to the Basket Moves Without the Drop Step- Adding the Re-Post
Make five shots off of each move
First start on the right side with the right hand and after all the moves are completed move to the left side with the left hand.
Always have a strong base in the post- establish position- gather yourself and feel the defender.
Catch the ball- feel the defender- jump hook
Catch the ball- feel the defender- crab move
Catch the ball- feel the defender - turn and face- shoot the jump shot
Catch the ball- feel the defender- turn and face- ball fake- one dribble- attack the rim

Shoot 15 Foul Shots

Agility and Flash Cuts
These are time drills- one minute- go through each drill 3 times
Place one ball on each block.
Go block to block -drop step-power dribble-attack the rim
Place one ball on each elbow
Flash to each elbow from the block- turn and face- jump shot- (also good to work on for a possible high-low situation)
Shoot 15 Foul Shots

Three Spot Post Move Series
This drill is tough to do unless you have at least 2-3 passers
If you have 3 passers- passer 1 goes to the right wing- passer 2 goes to the top of the key- passer 3 goes to the left wing
Two minutes on the clock- do the drill 3 times
Player starts under the rim
Player flashes to each spot
Can not use a move back to back
Moves- Drop step lay-up
Drop step ball fake lay-up
Jump Hook
Jump Shot
Up and Under Move
Crab Move
Turn and face- one dribble attack the rim

Shoot 25 Foul Shots