Question: Which superhero would be the best addition to the Empty Pitchers roster?
Response   Pct  Votes 
Hulk -- Pure power hitter, and his skin is already our team color. Unfortunately, he has rage issues (steroid use?), and an annoying tendency to smash the team equipment.   14.3%
The Flash -- Excellent base-running skills. Too bad we're not allowed to steal bases in this league.   0.0%
Batman -- Lacks a killer instinct, but he does have "BAT" in his name.   0.0%
Wonder Woman -- Solid contact hitter, though we always seem to struggle to get the female players to show up.   14.3%
Ant-Man -- A base-on-balls machine due to his teeny-tiny strike zone. Of course, that doesn't really help since we use the strike mat.   0.0%
Iron Man -- If he's anything like Cal "Iron Man" Ripken, Jr., he'd never miss a game. However, the suit might be illegal -- I think its a composite.   0.0%
Superman -- Absolute five-tool player. But I'm pretty sure there's no flying allowed in our league.   28.6%
Deadpool -- Because WHY THE F*** NOT???   42.9%

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