Question: Based on these completely unsubstantiated rumors, how tough is Tino?
Response   Pct  Votes 
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks under his bed for Tino!   0.0%
Tino can win a game of Connect Four in three moves!   0.0%
Tino counted to infinity . . . twice!   0.0%
Tino doesn't cheat death; he wins fair and square!   0.0%
Tino can do a wheelie on a unicycle!   0.0%
Tino once ordered a Big Mac at Burger King . . . and got one!   0.0%
Tino can slam a revolving door!   0.0%
Tino has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life there!   0.0%
Tino CAN believe its not butter!   20.0%
Tino is the reason why Waldo is always hiding!   20.0%
Death once had a near-Tino experience!   20.0%
Tino makes onions cry!   0.0%
When Tino jumps into water, he doesn't get wet . . . the water gets Tino-ed!   0.0%
Tino doesn't always drink beer, but when he does, he gets The Most Interesting Man in the World to pay for it!   40.0%
Tino can kill two stones with one bird!   0.0%
Tino doesn't dial the wrong number . . . you answer the wrong phone!   0.0%
Tino built the hospital he was born in!   0.0%
When Tino does push-ups, he doesn't push up . . . the Earth moves down!   0.0%
Tino's tears can cure cancer . . . too bad he's never cried!   0.0%
Tino can cook Minute Rice in 30 seconds!   0.0%
Grand Slams are for wimps . . . Tino hits five-run homers!   0.0%

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