Question: If our softball league played in "Game of Thrones", for which Westerosi House would the Empty Pitchers play?
Response   Pct  Votes 
House Stark -- C'mon, we're clearly the good guys! We can "wolf" down pizza and wings with the best of them. And we lose often enough to be Starks . . .   75.0%
House Lannister -- To paraphrase Lord Tywin, "It's the Empty Pitchers name that lives on. It's all that lives on. Not our personal glory, not our softball stats... but the EP name." And we do drink a lot . . . there's a reason our pitchers are empty. (On the other hand, we're not filthy rich, and we try to keep the incest to a minimum.)   0.0%
House Targaryen -- Considering the size of our roster (usually over 30 players strong), its like we have our own army of Unsullied warriors and Dothraki screamers. And, of course, my sense of humor is certainly a dragon the team!   25.0%
House Baratheon -- [SPOILER ALERT] Let's see . . . Robert? Dead. Renly? Dead. Stannis? Really dead. Yeeeeeah, let's not play for these guys.   0.0%

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