Question: The Rocky Hill Vets failed to show up for our game on Thursday, August 17th. Why did this happen?
Response   Pct  Votes 
The Vets had rented a minibus and taken a road trip to Knoxville, TN to view the total solar eclipse. Once in a lifetime, dude!   0.0%
Donald Trump had I.C.E. deport the Vets to Djibouti. He felt that Fran was a "very bad hombre" and that those guys needed to be "covfefe'd".   14.3%
The Mets had become so desperate for pitching that they signed Aurora to start Thursday night. The other Vets went down to CitiField to support her, of course, but much to their chagrin, spent the entire evening waiting in line at the Shake Shack.   57.1%
The Vets were attempting to recreate the crowded cabin scene from the Marx Brothers' film "A Night at the Opera", and their entire team got locked in the closet by mistake. (see   14.3%
The Vets were actually present at our game, but had somehow slipped into the ethereal plane and were therefore imperceptible to our senses.   14.3%

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