Question: In the spirit of "Yo Mama" jokes: YO' PRESIDENT'S SO DUMB THAT . . .
Response   Pct  Votes 
. . . he tells people he lives just up the street from the corner of Walk and Don't Walk.   0.0%
. . . he thinks Taco Bell is the name of the Mexican phone company.   25.0%
. . . blondes tell jokes about him.   0.0%
. . . he thinks a polygon is a dead parrot.   0.0%
. . . when he goes to a mind reader, they only charge him half-price.   0.0%
. . . he calls people to ask them for their phone number.   0.0%
. . . if brains were dynamite, he wouldn't have enough to blow his nose.   0.0%
. . . when he went to the movies and saw the sign that read "Under 17 Not Admitted", he went home to find 16 friends.   0.0%
. . . it takes him 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes.   25.0%
. . . he has to call information to get the number for 9-1-1.   0.0%
. . . he got fired from the M&M's factory for throwing away all of the W&W's.   25.0%
. . . he thinks a quarterback is a refund.   25.0%
. . . he thinks Christmas wrap is Jay-Z's holiday album.   0.0%
. . . he thinks menopause is a button on his VCR.   0.0%
. . . he thinks Dunkin Donuts is a basketball team.   0.0%
. . . when his computer said "Press any key to continue", he got stuck because he couldn't find the "ANY" key.   0.0%

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