Question: The Empty Pitchers have already beaten The Grass Stains three times this season. Why would they ask to play us again this week?
Response   Pct  Votes 
They simply enjoy playing softball and recognize that we are a friendly, fun team to play against.   28.6%
The sheer majesty of Cove Park has enchanted them into wanting to return there again and again, regardless of the games' outcome.   0.0%
Their dastardly plan is to keep us busy so that their burglar accomplices can rob our homes between 6-8pm on Thursday evenings.   0.0%
We are caught in a softball version of Groundhog Day, where we'll have to play The Grass Stains over and over and over and . . .   28.6%
They really, really want Art's autograph, but he did not attend any of the first three games, so they're just gonna keep playing us until he shows.   42.9%

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