Question: Now that Giancarlo Stanton has been traded to the New York Yankees, what should be the response of the Boston Red Sox?
Response   Pct  Votes 
Offer every single player in their organization plus a bag of used baseballs to the Los Angeles Angels in order to acquire Shohei Otani -- since the guy can pitch AND hit, who else do you need?   0.0%
Take a cue from Tonya Harding and hire some goon to "Gillooly" Stanton's kneecap   33.3%
Change the name of the team to the Boston Yankees and hope that Stanton gets confused and shows up at Fenway   0.0%
Nothing -- Stanton will probably get hurt in spring training and miss 4 months of the season   33.3%
Wave the white flag, pack it in, close up shop, and go play golf for the next few years -- they have no hope of competing with a lineup that includes Stanton and Judge back-to-back   33.3%

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