Question: What would you do if the Empty Pitchers softball team folded?
Response   Pct  Votes 
Out of respect for the EP name and the values it stood for, I would solemnly hang up my cleats and never play softball again.   0.0%
I would start my own green-clad GHISL team, and to avoid being sued by Wayne for trademark infringement, they could be called the Fluidless Ewers, or the Hollow Carafes, or the Unfilled Decanters, or the . . .   20.0%
Oh, traitor, schmaitor! I would immediately beg the Fighting Plankton to let me join their team.   30.0%
You mean my Thursday evenings would be free? The Big Bang Theory viewing party . . . Bazinga!   0.0%
I would show up at Cove Park anyway (denial), curse Mike on the team Facebook page for letting it happen (anger), promise to bring beer next time if we would only keep playing (bargaining), start rooting for the Mets (depression), then head over to Village Pizza for a slice (acceptance).   50.0%

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