Question: Where should the Empty Pitchers hold Spring Training?
Response   Pct  Votes 
Florida or Arizona, because hey, we're just as good as any of those college teams that sometimes play the MLB teams in Spring Training! Y'know, kinda . . . if you squint . . . and tilt your head a bit.   0.0%
Northern Minnesota -- with an 8-15 record last season, we probably don't deserve warm weather.   0.0%
Cove Park was good enough for my grandpappy, dagnabbit, and its sure as sugar good enough for me!   50.0%
Bob's house -- because we need to practice emptying our pitchers, and Sliders is closed, its too cold to sit outside Village Pizza, and Tino can't get anyone to commit to bowling.   0.0%
Practice? We talkin' 'bout practice? Not a game, not a game, . . . not a game . . . PRACTICE???   50.0%

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