Question: How likely are the Empty Pitchers to finish with a winning record in 2019?
Response   Pct  Votes 
GUARANTEED -- Like the odds that Avengers: Endgame will make, like, ALL of the money this summer.   0.0%
EXTREMELY LIKELY -- Like the possibility that Aaron Judge hits more homers for the Yankees than any EP hits for our team this season.   14.3%
LIKELY -- Like the chances that the world ends before George R.R. Martin finishes writing his next Game of Thrones book.   42.9%
EVEN MONEY -- Like your odds of getting the norovirus on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship.   28.6%
UNLIKELY -- Like the chances of Vladimir Putin getting all four chair-turns on NBC's The Voice while singing a cover of the Eagles "I Can't Tell You Why."   0.0%
EXTREMELY UNLIKELY -- Like the possibility that Disney will take over the reconstruction of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, and install hundreds of Minions holograms all over the nave. (Asa to bothered da bowrax ba, to nama lega cooler rep a banana!)   14.3%
IMPOSSIBLE -- Like the odds that the Mueller Report ends with the phrase, "The butler did it." Dun-dun-DUN!   0.0%

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