Question: Which of the following best describes the color of our EP softball shirts?
Response   Pct  Votes 
The color of the grass at Trent Park in Windsor after Mike and Eric mowed the field before our game against E.coli Happens back in May.   0.0%
The color of Art's face an hour after eating the leftovers of his clams and bacon pizza that was left in his car overnight in the summer heat.   16.7%
The color of envy on the faces of the Fighting Plankton when we crush them by 17 runs later this season.   0.0%
Emerald. (What? . . . its just emerald.)   0.0%
The color of a jade leprechaun covered in Mr. Spock's Vulcan blood munching on broccoli and limes while wearing a Packers home jersey and draped in a Brazilian flag on St. Patrick's Day.   33.3%
The color of Ryan Reynold's suit in the film Green Lantern. (Wait . . . that movie sucked! On second thought, let's not associate ourselves with that embarrassing mess.)   16.7%
The color of Tino's dreams after so long in heavily forested Oregon.   0.0%
Whalers' Green! Cue "Brass Bonanza"!   33.3%

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