Question: The New York Yankees play Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York" when their games end. What Sinatra song should be played after Empty Pitchers' games?
Response   Pct  Votes 
THAT'S LIFE - We're usually ridin' high in April, only to be shot down in May.   14.3%
SOMETHIN' STUPID - Mike's game recaps. 'Nuff said.   14.3%
COME FLY WITH ME - Or you could ground out with me, if you prefer.   14.3%
THE BEST IS YET TO COME - Its called the offseason.   28.6%
DRINKING AGAIN - Those pitchers aren't going to empty themselves, y'know.   0.0%
HIGH HOPES - There's always next year.   28.6%
SUMMER WIND - Kinda sounds like 'summer win', don't it?   0.0%

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