Question: How likely are the Empty Pitchers to finish with a winning record in 2020?
Response   Pct  Votes 
GUARANTEED -- As in the likelihood that the COVID-19 virus was actually developed by the makers of Purell. Job security, baby!   14.3%
EXTREMELY LIKELY -- Like the odds that Billie Eilish will just stare blankly and mumble under her breath.   28.6%
LIKELY -- [Dang! I had a really great choice for you in this space, but the Houston Astros stole it!]   42.9%
EVEN MONEY -- As in the chances of going more than a few hours without seeing yet another Baby Yoda meme. I swear, that thing is the new Minions!   14.3%
UNLIKELY -- As in the likelihood of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle joining the Empty Pitchers' roster this year.   0.0%
EXTREMELY UNLIKELY -- As in the chances that you can correctly pronounce the longest place name in the world: Taumatawhakatangi­hangakoauauotamatea­turipukakapikimaunga­horonukupokaiwhen­uakitanatahu, New Zealand.   0.0%
IMPOSSIBLE -- Like the odds that Donald Trump can admit that something, anything at all, is HIS fault, instead of always blaming the Obama administration, the media, the Democrats, the Republicans, the American public, his own sons and daughters, Hillary Clinton, Hollywood, any member of his staff, China, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mexicans, women in general, Rosie O'Donnell in particular, anyone with a shred of decency . . .   0.0%

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