Question: What is the most impressive skill you've learned during your COVID-19 quarantine?
Response   Pct  Votes 
In the last two weeks, I've written and self-published a book of poetry, taught myself French, and learned to play the flugelhorn. This week, I plan to cure cancer.   0.0%
I learned how to fashion a face mask out of my last empty cardboard toilet paper roll. And I discovered that, in an emergency, newspaper can also be used as TP, if you don't mind an imprint of Garfield on your butt.   0.0%
I managed to download and use Zoom without any help . . . Okay, so I asked my neighbor's kid a "couple" of questions . . . Oh, alright, he set up the entire thing, but I nodded vigorously and pretended to understand the whole time.   33.3%
I successfully cooked dinner for a family of four with only a 5-year-old can of Spam, a handful of Triscuits, and a half-rotten turnip. Don't judge me -- the cupboard's getting bare!   0.0%
I managed to not punch my TV while Sean Hannity and Kelly-Anne Conway seriously explained that this virus really can't be all that bad because, "Hey, we didn't hear anything at ALL about COVIDs 1 through 18." ARE YOU MORONS KIDDING ME?!   33.3%
I now know how to sit on my couch eating snacks and bingeing Netflix, while simultaneously feeling like I'm helping to save civilization! Social distancing RULES!   33.3%

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