Question: If M. Night Shyamalan was an Empty Pitcher, which of the following would have been his best film?
Response   Pct  Votes 
THE SIXTH SENSE: After struggling to hit early in the game, Jenny dominates at the plate after the 5th inning.   14.3%
UNBREAKABLE: Try as he might, Joe just can't top Tino's record-setting .809 batting average from 2016.   14.3%
SIGNS: While coaching third, Chris flashes Eric the signal for "Don't try to steal second, because as you know, stealing is not allowed in our league." It takes a while. And seems kind of unnecessary.   28.6%
THE VILLAGE: Rob? Nate? Pizza? How we do it!   14.3%
LADY IN THE WATER: Despite a torrential downpour, Jocelyn steadfastly refuses to abandon her position at second base.   14.3%
THE HAPPENING: Somehow, someway, the EPs squeeze out a 13-12 victory over the Hartford Stars next season.   14.3%
SPLIT: Mike dives for a ball hit down the third base line, but tears his pants in the process.   0.0%
GLASS: After the game, we order a pitcher of Sam Adams for the table, and Ron won't stand for drinking out of red Solo cups!   0.0%
OLD: Josh's descriptor for just about everyone on the EPs.   0.0%

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