Question: How likely are the Empty Pitchers to finish the 2022 season with a winning record?
Response   Pct  Votes 
GUARANTEED - Like the chances that, after numerous launches of substandard ordinance, Kim Jong-Un will eventually (accidentally) nuke his own country. North Korea becomes No Korea. Trust me, it's coming.   20.0%
LIKELY - Like the odds that you will celebrate your 85th birthday before the Avatar sequels are ever released.   10.0%
EVEN MONEY - Like the chances that, after their fifth cup of coffee before noon, America Gets the Runs on Dunkin'.   40.0%
UNLIKELY - [I had a great option lined up for this space, but Will Smith slapped it out.]   20.0%
IMPOSSIBLE - Like the odds that Elmo gets nominated to the Supreme Court. "Tee-hee-hee! Elmo LOVES discretionary appellate jurisdiction!"   10.0%

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