Question: Which 2022 Hollywood movie about the Empty Pitchers would you most want to see?
Response   Pct  Votes 
SCREAM (Jan. 14) - Instead of going to Village Pizza after a particularly hot and humid home game, the EPs decide to visit the purple house down the street for some waffle cones and rocky road 'scream.   18.2%
THE BATMAN (Mar. 4) - Despite the best efforts of those jokers from The Dream Team, Joe gets hit after hit en route to an EP blowout victory. Pow! Zam! Ka-blooey!   0.0%
DEEP WATER (Mar. 18) - After five rainouts in a row, a frustrated Mike says we're playing softball this week, no matter what. "Yes, it's more than a little moist on the infield, but we'll bring scuba gear!"   9.1%
AMBULANCE (Apr. 8) - I'm not saying we're all getting a little too old for softball. I'm not saying we're all due for a major injury one of these days. I'm just sayin' . . .   0.0%
NOPE (Jul. 22) - Will E.coli Happens have a full lineup when we play them this season? Will Art swear-off clam pizza this year? Will Bob wear Ukrainian-flag shorts this summer?   27.3%
BEAST (Aug. 19) - Tino is unstoppable in his quest to regain the MVP title this season, batting .892 with 53 homeruns.   45.5%

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