Question: EPs are good people who would never do wrong. But purely hypothetically speaking, which of the following ULPTs (Unethical Life Pro Tips) would YOU be most likely to engage in?
Response   Pct  Votes 
Give the same perfume to your spouse and the person you're cheating with, just to be safe.   16.7%
When holding a baby, smell its diaper and if you DON'T smell poop, say, "Whoa, somebody has a poopy diaper." Then take the baby to another room and pretend to change them. The next time the baby really poops, you can say that you changed the last diaper, so it's someone else's turn.   16.7%
Look up your building's washer/dryer model on e-Bay and order a key for it. It'll cost you, like, $8 and you'll never have to pay to do your laundry again.   0.0%
If you ever get caught sleeping at your desk at work, say, "They told me at the blood bank that this might happen."   33.3%
Make your edibles in the shape of dog treats. That way, if a drug-sniffing dog finds them, its handler will just think it's being a silly boy.   0.0%
When you give someone a gift card as a gift, be sure to write down the card number and code. Then after a year or two, check the balance. If they haven't used it yet, just use it yourself. They obviously won't know or care.   16.7%
If a computer illiterate relative or friend asks you to fix their slow computer, just boost their cursor speed by a notch or two. They'll instantly notice the difference and think you are a genius.   0.0%
Had a good first date from a dating app? Report the person in the app so that their account gets banned. That way, you limit their dating options while increasing your chances of a second date.   16.7%

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