Question: Our new shirts are awesome (thanks, Jae), but could they be even better? Which of the following features would you most want on our NEXT new shirts?
Response   Pct  Votes 
ENHANCED SPEED: Featuring the cutting-edge latest in ACME technology, miniature turbo boosters under the arms rocket the wearer toward the next base. Now we can all be like Evan -- stretch that single into a double with ease!   20.0%
ACTIVE CAMOUFLAGE: Straight out of the James Bond "Q" laboratory, thousands of tiny cameras embedded in the mesh of the jersey project what they see onto the opposite side, effectively rendering the wearer invisible. They can't tag what they can't see!   0.0%
ENHANCED CHARISMA: The collar of this shirt features a pheromone packet (derived from actual angels' sweat on loan from the Vatican library) that releases a cloud of scent into the air around the wearer, causing anyone inhaling the aerosol to become extremely susceptible to suggestion. "You're out! {sniff, sniff} Wait, um, wow . . . ah, no, I guess you're safe . . . my bad!"   10.0%
UP-ARMOR: Integrated strands of 100% pure Elven mithril provide complete protection from any incoming hard contact, up to and including a stab from a cave troll! Now, Bubbles can get drilled by bad hops (and bad outfielders' throws) and never suffer a bruise again!   70.0%

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